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Manga Shoggoth

Member Since: Fri Jan 02, 2004
Posts: 391
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Visionary hears there's a wall of water coming.

Subj: Don't worry...
Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 at 04:02:40 am EST (Viewed 359 times)
Reply Subj: Yikes! Are any of our British posters forced to evacuate?
Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 at 05:36:19 pm EST

I can't speak for Shep, but the rest of us are quite a way inland. Ian lives half-way up the pennines (and I do mean vertically), and Xander is on the wrong side of the country. Shep is on a different landmass altogether.

I was probably at the most risk as I am just north of the Thames, but the Thames Barrier was designed for this sort of thing. The warning levels are much lower down at the Essex/Thames Estury end.

Since I got into work OK we can assume that the barrier worked.

The biggest danger is to the costal and low-lying areas, which is why the Norfork Broads are cited in the report.

We have actually had quite a few floods recently, but these were due to excessive rain rather than a storm tide. I wouldn't expect the American Media to be reporting it.

The latest news is here.

As is always the case with my writing, please feel free to comment. I welcome both positive and negative criticism of my work, although I cannot promise to enjoy the negative.