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Location: Seattle, Washington
Member Since: Sun Jan 04, 2004
Posts: 1,038
Subj: See...
Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 at 01:55:13 pm EDT (Viewed 265 times)
Reply Subj: The Last L! Story?!
Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 at 12:59:24 pm EDT (Viewed 325 times)

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Now, this isn't a story post but a post about stories. About stories which I just can't seem to get out of my mind & down on to the computer screen. There are most of the stories that are up there I don't have endings or even middles for. I got begginings, I got begginings galore but the rest of the stories they are coming up short. Plus, I think half of the ideas I do have aren't really worth written antways.

I think I've killed most of who've I've created. Ideas for Lee Bookman & Ham-Boy have long left my mind & they may never return. I screwed up Semi-Transparent Lad so much that I'm not sure I could bring him back to something I'd like to read/write. I've driven the Chad & Ronnie series to a point that where it's almost unreconizible from where it started & for the most part the stories are not even about the main characters anymore.

I've ever so offen go through periods of writer's block so this might pass but I don't know. I'm just depressed about.. about.. about it all.

I'll be around but I'm sure if you'll see anything from me anytime soon.


I rather enjoy how your supporting casts step up and become the focus of attention. It takes a very strong supporting cast to be able to run a story without the signature character, and you named two of yours where that is the case! I only wish I could develop supporting casts that well!

If you're stuck with beginnings and no endings from an ideas stand point, why not shoot an e-mail off to somebody and bounce ideas off of them? I know I've done it with multiple posters over the years and you usually end up with something better than when you started. I would gladly be a sounding board for endings if you like.

And you've definitely improved your writing over the years, and I for one would love to see what else you can do!
