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And the Hooded Hood wrote it, of course

Subj: Robin Hood: Arrow of Justice hits the bookshops on 7th December
Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 at 09:26:16 pm EST (Viewed 12 times)

When the law is used to oppress the helpless, justice can only come from an outlaw.

England in AD1190 isn’t so merrie. While King Richard the Lionheart crusades in the Holy Land his country is torn apart by his venal brother Prince John, by powerful barons, by scheming churchmen, by ruthless marauders. The very men charged to protect the people become their tyrants.

Robin Hood: Arrow of Justice tells the story of a young man inspired to do remarkably dangerous things by a remarkably dangerous young woman. As Robin Hood's tricks stir up the people to question their oppressors, the scheming Sheriff of Nottingham plots the outlaw’s downfall. Including some of Robin’s most famous feats, including competing for the Golden Arrow at the Sheriff’s archery contest and helping Alan a Dale to rescue his bride from a cruel forced marriage, this volume brings the swashbuckling scofflaw together once more with the feisty Maid Marion to shake the foundations of Prince John’s England.

Here's a link to my Robin Hood homepage where there are stand-alone sections of Robin Hood: King of Sherwood and Robin Hood: Arrow of Justice for your reading delight.

"Robin Hood: Arrow of Justice"
ISBN: 1-613420-27-7
ISBN-13: 978-1-61342-027-0
Produced by Airship 27
Published by Cornerstone Books
Release date: 12/07/2011
Retail Price: $16.95
$3 digital PDF also available very soon at The Airship 27 hangar