Tales of the Parodyverse >> View Post
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Al B. Harper

Subj: Spider Week: The Extension
Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 at 03:21:52 am EDT (Viewed 9 times)

The Extension

A school classroom with oldstyle wooden desks and chairs in rows and a blackboard at the front of the class. A tall woman with cropped brunette hair wearing a dark blue a-line skirt and white blouse addresses a class full of eager young pupils, spectacles perched on the end of her nose - she is sexy in a bookish teacher kind of way.

Young Al B.: “Miss, Can I please have an extension on my assignment?”

Miss Eldridge: “You mean you haven’t got you Spider Week story finished yet Al B.?”

Young Al B.: “Not exactly Miss…you see there was an issue with the interdimensional fuse extendatron and the tachyo-sphere alignment which we thought Keplar’s Law would solve but we didn’t count on the reverse psynapse-“

Miss Eldridge, holding up her hand to silence the young archscientist: “Spare me your technobabble Al B. Spider Week is extended until the end of next month.”

And with that she turned around and started writing out sums on the blackboard. Young Al B., and the rest of the male students in the class, stared wistfully at her behind.

Meanwhile, over in the corner of the room, high up in the ceiling;

Susan the Spider sits silently in her web seeking sufficient sustenance from silly silverfish which stumble into its sticky silken strands.

The end.