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Member Since: Sun Jan 04, 2004
Posts: 1,235
Subj: (Almost) real-time, first-person news from Iraq: HOLY FUCK CRAZY
Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 at 02:57:31 pm EDT (Viewed 413 times)

Me and my friend Rob - with whom I served when I was in the Navy, and who is now stationed in Iraq - were chatting on Yahoo! Messenger, just under an hour ago, when the following conversation suddenly took place.

Rob: shit gunfire
Rob: a lot of it

Me: you need to duck and cover?

Rob: not sure....
Rob: sounded like the alarm was about to go off
Rob: ok we just got word

Me: you need to head out?

Rob: The fucking Iraq soccer team won a game
Rob: it's celebration fire!!!

Me: ... WHAT
Me: unfuckingbelievable

Rob: you read it here
Rob: sounds like the fall of Berlin out there

Me: i'd think that, under the current circumstances, they might reconsider practices such as "celebratory gunfire"
Me: just my thinking

Rob: apparently they did not

Me: heh
Me: that woke you up, i bet

It's a wonder that part of the world hasn't managed to wipe itself off the face of the Earth.