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Member Since: Sun Jan 04, 2004
Posts: 1,235
Subj: Oh wow, I know a famous man with one of the world's manliest names ...
Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 at 08:36:30 pm EST (Viewed 395 times)

... As referenced in Cracked.com's article on The 9 Manliest Names in the World:

#6. Commander Flex Plexico

The Name:

This guy is a walking action figure. This one almost defies analysis, because what kind of parents call their kid "Flex?" Awesome ones, that's what kind.

Also, we're not sure what genealogy the name "Plexico" springs from, but it sounds like one of Flex's forebears was adopted by a manufacturing company, possibly as an adorable mascot.

The Man:

The good commander is a Pentagon defense spokesman, who dealt a lot with detainee issues at Guantanamo Bay. Basically, he is the man who stands there while the world's journalists demand the truth. And, Flex tells them they can't handle the truth, and then he jumps into a Jeep with an American flag fluttering in the background while inspiring orchestral music swells and he drives into the sunset.

In the interests of full disclosure, Flex's actual birth name is "Alvin." However, he's referred to in news reports and even official websites as "Flex," so we're letting it through. For extra bonus points, he's also the only man on this list (that we know of) with a song written about him.

Does He Live Up to It?

Not too bad at all. The guy's a commander in the armed forces. He loses man-points, because the force in question is the U.S. Navy, but the White House gig would probably keep him on dry land and away from the seamen.

The Only Way It Could Have Been Manlier:

Commander Flex Sexplex.

Back when I was an enlisted sailor and Navy Journalist serving in the Public Affairs Office on board USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71), I actually worked with this guy, and even back then, I remember saying to other people, "Jesus Christ, he has the most awesome name ever, because it makes him sound like a goddamned superhero."