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Location: Seattle, Washington
Member Since: Sun Jan 04, 2004
Posts: 1,038
Subj: Thursday Afternoon Meeting, part 2
Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 at 10:11:02 pm EST (Viewed 317 times)


It was a drizzly day in Goth Haven. On the corner of Montgomery & Shepherd stands the diner: Mama Sara's Good Food & Hot Drinks Emporium.

Seated in one of the booths near the corner, a woman was starring out the window. She was dressed, started from the floor up: a pair of black Chuck Taylor All-Star high tops (They had little white skulls spray painted on to them). On her feet were argyle socks. Her pants were a well worn & ripped in places pair of blue jeans. She had a plain grey short sleeved T-Shirt on. Under that shirt was a red & black long sleeved shirt. On her wrists were a few too many bracelets & a couple of wrist bands. A few of her fingers had some rings on them. Her black nail polish was cracked & chipped in places (partly due to the fact she had been chewing her fingernails). Her emerald green eyes seemed to sparkle in the mix of natural lighting & Diner lighting. The sparkle was all the more striking against her somewhat pale skin. She wasn't wearing much make up, nothing all that noticeable. Her hair, pitch black with light blue streak up front, was slightly messed & put in a ponytail. She wasn't wearing earrings at the moment.

Her elbows on the table, one arm up with her hand cradling her chin. The other arm laying on the table. Catherine Gillespie was waiting. Waiting for her father. She stared out at the people running by. There is a thought in the back of her mind to gather up her stuff & leave. But, then there is the other more over riding thought for her to stay.

More time passes. She pushes a few bracelets out of the way to check the time & just mere seconds before he was to be late, He pulled up right in front. The car turned off. The driver's side door opened, an umbrella was opened. He stood up, underneath his umbrella & closed the door. He looked around a bit. He caught the eye of Catherine, he waved. She was waved back.

He locked & armed his vehicle. He went up the four or five steps up to the door & opened it. As he entered, the bell on the door jingled a bit. Before the door closed he shook rain of the umbrella outside & then left the rain protection device leaning up against the wall.

The man that had just entered stood about six feet tall, maybe a little taller. He looked about middle age or approaching it. He wore a pair of horn rimmed glasses, behind them are a pair of blue almost slate grey eyes. His brown hair is slicked back & was cut in a very conservative manner. His face showed some signs of aging. His complexion was average. He wore a warm grey suit, a tailored white button down shirt, a dark red tie & black paten leather shoes. Over all this was a tan trench coat. He took it off & hun it on on off the hooks provided by the door.

He then made his way over to Catherine. As he did, she stood up. They sat down together. He unbuttoned his suit jacket. They sat almost directly across from each other.

They sat there for a few moment in silence. This was broken when Mama Sara came over & handed each a laminated menu. She then asked "Can I start you two off on an appetizer? Or something to drink: Coffee, Tea, Milkshake, Malt, Soda, Water, Seltzer Water?"

He ordered a glass of water. Catherine ordered a strawberry milkshake. Mama Sara left the two to look over the menu. There was more silence. Then, her father broke that by asking. "So, what's good here?"

Catherine stumbled over a few words & then said. "Pretty much everything."

Her father responded by nodding & continued to look over the menu. There was more silence still. The only sounds that were around was the Jukebox playing a tune, some noise from the kitchen & the rain outside.

A few minutes later, Mama came back with their drinks. Then asked "You ready to order?"

He looked over at his daughter & asked "Are you ready?"

"I think so." She said.

They ordered: He a Ruben on Rye, Her a BLT on sourdough. He got a side of coleslaw, she a side of fries. He ordered a cup of coffee, black.

Mama left the them to put in the orders with her cook Ian. They left the two of them alone together. He noticed she was avoiding his gaze. She looked nervous but that was understandable: Who in their right mind would want to have Lunch with their Father?

He decided to break the ice & said "I wish you wouldn't do that to your hair."


"You have or had, I don't know if you've damaged it all, such a nice head of sandy blonde hair. Why did you dye it.. it.."

She interrupted. "It's called Black, Dad. The color is Black."

"Yes. Now did you go & do that."

"I don't see why your bringing this up now. I had it this way since I left High School. That was like at least five years ago."

"Well, I guess I still think you as my little Kitten with the sandy blonde hair & not this young Woman with the black hair. And the... the.. what ever you call that thing?" He said & waved his right hand around in small circles a bit.

"Blue Streak?"


"I like it, it's different."

"Well, That is you in a nutshell: Always wanting to be different." He said offhandedly.

He noticed that she was giving him an odd look. He then said. "Not that is bad or anything. It's just that your Mother & I might of wanted a normal daughter at times."

"Are you saying I'm Abnormal?" Catherine said with a mischievous smile on her face.

"No. Just different. We tried to keep some of your differentness under wraps."

"yeah. I know."

"Maybe it was wrong. Maybe it wasn't. But, it was what we felt was right at the time."

"yeah. I know."

"Thinking back on it maybe I was worried about how people would view me because of.."



"Speaking of him, are you going to go see him?"

"I don't know. Maybe. I'm not sure he has visiting privileges. Plus, I doubt the facility he's in want random people just dropping by."

"That might be true given they are a federal maximum security prison holding some of the worse Super Villains around but he's your Dad! I'm sure it would make his day." Catherine said with a smile.

Her father gave a half smile back. "Yes. I don't know. I'm not sure I have time."

"When are you flying back to the Evergreen State?"


"So, this was a flying in do some business & maybe see some family then fly out kind of thing?"

"Yes. I have business I need to take care of back home."

"I'm sure the home office could have survived with out you for at least a day or two."

He didn't say anything else. They sat there for a few moments.

"It's just I'm not sure what to say to him. Plus, I don't want it to just turn into another argument."

"Last time I was there, he seemed to really want to..."

Her father interrupted her. "You've seen him?"

"Well yeah. It would be rude to live this close & not see him. I can see Flanagan Island off in the distance from the roof of my apartment building in Parrodipolis."

"He hasn't tried to get you to deliver anything has he?"

"No. Why would he?"

"He is a Super Villain."

"Was a Super Villain. He hasn't been one since like the 70's. Now have I been propositioned by other inmates to say... deliver a package to Lair Island for a million bucks or so, that's a different story."

"Have you?" He said a bit shocked.

"Once or twice. It's really not all the big of a deal. If you don't make eye contract, they eventually stop asking."

"All right." He said & then took a sip of his water.

There was more silence then he asked another question on a different topic: "So, how's the job going?"

"Pretty good. I get at least one or two more people to look after a week. I haven't lost a stiff yet, which is good. I was talking to Doctor Hutchinson the other day & he said I might be about to sit on an Autopsy next week."

"Well, at least your using one of your double majors."

"Sure, I use my minor in Criminology and Forensic Science for my job down at the Morgue but I use my Art major in everyday life. I guess if you think about it I also use my Master's Degree for some part in everyday life, too."

"What was that again?"

"It's Masters in Art in which I concentrated on the American Comic Book."

He sighed.


"I sometimes regret that we even let you read those things."

"What's wrong with Comic Books?" Catherine said & then sucked a bit of her shake up her straw.

"Well, many things but I won't get into those now. But, they seemed a bit like a waste of time."

"Then we did you let me read with them?"

"Your Mother did. I didn't like it much but your mother thought it was a harmless thing you'd grow out of."

"Which I haven't."

"Yes. I know."

Then, the food came & the talking stopped for a bit.




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