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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: With certain small-print exclusions, obviously.
Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 at 02:08:54 pm EST (Viewed 1 times)
Reply Subj: Were they selling radiation insurance?
Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 at 10:29:07 am EST (Viewed 810 times)


      One limitation of the current narrative format I'm using, of short-ish chapters focussed on one character each time, is that I can't do brief cutaways as I might in a longer single-read Untold Tales. So I can't toss in brief three-paragraph interludes of various cosmic beings incarnationg to other cosmic beings asking, "Did you do it?"

    I dunno, it might be perfect comedic timing to have a two-lines-of-dialogue scene like "Did you do it?" "No"

I might do it later if I need to mix the pace up a bit.


      There's some good distinctions there. I'm sure they would play well into some kind of emotion-wrenching character-focussed story bu I'm not sure what.

    I had one of those in progress last year, but I stopped posting it halfway when all the readers vanished. Not to punish them, mind you, but I felt silly continuing it if it wasn't interesting to anyone but me.

There are a few readers around just now.

    So she could have changed the Coefficient, if she felt there was no other choice. Then again, if there were other options, like making the button mechanism itself pick a bad time to fail, or the power source abruptly shutting down, she would take that instead.

Consider also:

Faite has elected to shift from omniscience to a perspective that allows her to interact in timespace with mortals. She has effectively put some of her knowledge in a box out of easy reach of herself. There are things she knows she has made herself not know for now, which is neccessary to achieve her goals.

So if she made a change to one of the Laws of Physics she might not even remember having done it, having sealed off her own knowledge of it. Faite might be suspecting herself but ignoring the temptation to abandon her project to find out.

And if that's true for her then it might be true for other cosmic entities also. One of them may have done the deed and erased their own perception of doing it.


      Thanks. I read that story to Rhiannon last night and was horrified by the number of typos and errors.

    That's what happens when you have you are your own editor.

I've had a few gruesome experiences of other editors not spotting things too, or changing things that they didn't understand where they had missed the point.

    I'm struggling with writing a PV story on multiple levels. It's supposed to be pretty short, and the goal is to use as few other poster-characters as possible (especially avoiding the ones I get in trouble with), and still be a good story that actually interests people here besides me. I've re-written most of it about 5 times now, and still not satisfied. So I'm not neglecting this month's call to post, I'm simply royally screwing it up.

As I mentioned to Al B. this week, one way past the log jam is to change the presentation format - a first person account, a newspaper article, a police report, a bystander's perspective et. al. Another method that doesn't usually work for me but seems to for some others is to skip the difficult bit for now, write on with the next part, and come back later.

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