Tales of the Parodyverse >> View Post
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Al B. Harper

Member Since: Mon Jan 04, 2016
Posts: 485
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Subj: Re: Noted.
Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 at 06:54:58 pm EST (Viewed 395 times)
Reply Subj: Noted.
Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 at 02:09:15 pm EST (Viewed 3 times)

    And revamps usually work better as new starts anyhow. Unless you think some new posters whould show up and give us Finny 2.0, CSFB! 2.0 and Al B. 2.0.

Funnily enough the new Junior member I was thinking of introducing was exactly that, though a different character than the ones you have identified.


      I also think of people here as friends, and like to check in to see how folk are doing as much as obsessing over stories and lore of old. But I'm a bit pathetic like that I suppose.

    I think it's admirable that you take an interest.

Funnily enough part 2. As I was hanging out my washing earlier I was reminiscing about a post-apocalyptic future Al B. Harper with the HALLIE sentience downloaded into his wristwatch. (I can't remember where exactly he appeared but he did appear here once I think - it may have been a reply to an ag or visionary story). Anyway, as I was daydreaming away, this Al B. was scrounging around in the burnt out ruins of the Lair Mansion lamenting the fact that so many of the Legionnaires (who hadn't died a horrible death during the apocalypse) had moved on to focus on themselves and were not helping re-build the broken world etc. etc. For him, this was his family. He would never leave.


      Honestly, I was expecting you to wipe everything. I'm not sure why, but I had the feeling everything was going to be gone at the end with a clean slate.

    I remember Scott fretting that I might write the Resolution War and end the Parodyverse, as if I could make it so just by typing it.

I was more interested in seeing what would follow on the blank slate rather than fretting. i.e.: who would come back and re-build. Who would remain forever gone?


      Now, I'll just have to look over my shoulder for story-Hood to be breaking through the wonderwall to come get me. Good thing he'll go after you first.

    You assume he hasn't already replaced me. Interesting. Proceed.

You assume I haven't already replaced you all *eyes flash green*.

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