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Subj: Re: Aw, you remembered! Thanks! How's everybody doing here?
Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 at 05:18:46 pm EDT
Reply Subj: Re: Aw, you remembered! Thanks! How's everybody doing here?
Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 at 08:18:54 pm EDT (Viewed 2 times)

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I did read a recent Avengers Annual that was available digitally that centered on the Vision. He quit the team, needing to get over the feelings of being betrayed after getting ripped in half and then the rest of the team leaving him crated up for so long. It wasn't so much that he resented the Avengers as he seemed upset that he'd stay simply out of having nowhere else to go. It ended with him introducing himself to his "sons" in the Young Avengers. Generally, I liked it.

That was really the first Marvel comic I've read since "Dead Avengers", which I did enjoy. I heard once upon a time that Vizh was going to play a role in that Ultron event, but I've seen no evidence of him in artwork or solicitations so far.

I have, of course, been reading the "My Little Pony" comic. Good stuff. I like that we live in an era where ponies reference "Evil Dead 2" in officially licensed works.

Speaking of Evil Dead and Avengers influences, I do recommend people check out the Joss Whedon written-and-produced "Cabin in the Woods". Lisa and I watched that recently, and the last act especially is great fun.

I also finally saw "The Dark Knight Rises". A while back I posted about my nightmare experience of being an extra on the set of that while filming, even though I was never placed in a shot. Well, none of the footage of the extras that day made it into the final film anyway. I did, however, see the street corner and knew I was standing right behind the wall there. Not much of a thrill. Truthfully, I didn't like the final film all that much anyway.

I did read a recent Avengers Annual that was available digitally that centered on the Vision.
>> Thanks!!! I just thought he vanished..glad to see there is a Vision center issue (just got it, btw...will read asap)

That was really the first Marvel comic I've read since "Dead Avengers", which I did enjoy.
>>Of course, he acted like the old good Vision there. I liked it too

I heard once upon a time that Vizh was going to play a role in that Ultron event, but I've seen no evidence of him in artwork or solicitations so far.
>>Lets hope. I wonder if Wanda will...

I have, of course, been reading the "My Little Pony" comic. Good stuff. I like that we live in an era where ponies reference "Evil Dead 2" in officially licensed works.
>>>Glad to see you are having fun...ehem..

Speaking of Evil Dead and Avengers influences, I do recommend people check out the Joss Whedon written-and-produced "Cabin in the Woods". Lisa and I watched that recently, and the last act especially is great fun.
>>will try

I also finally saw "The Dark Knight Rises". A while back I posted about my nightmare experience of being an extra on the set of that while filming, even though I was never placed in a shot. Well, none of the footage of the extras that day made it into the final film anyway. I did, however, see the street corner and knew I was standing right behind the wall there. Not much of a thrill. Truthfully, I didn't like the final film all that much anyway.
>> I missed this story... you were so close to be a star!!! ;\)
Sorry to not see you on it ;(. I´ve not seen it yet

Nice to have this lil chat. I missed them ;\)

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