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Member Since: Sat Jan 03, 2004
Posts: 2,131
In Reply To
Al B. Harper

Subj: That's a pretty great blog!
Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 at 02:16:45 pm EST (Viewed 587 times)
Reply Subj: A Blog some of you may enjoy
Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 at 05:51:40 am EST (Viewed 6 times)

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The Official Handbook to the Marvel Universe Redux Edition is basically a bunch of artists doing their own take on art for the old OHTTMU entries.



You know, it's actually really interesting to look at that from a design standpoint, because it becomes clear that so much rides on the style of the artist more than the actual lines of the costumes. There were some truly lame looking characters in the original that ended up looking very cool in the revamp. (Admittedly, there were a few who somehow got worse as well.) I notice that the more animation-type styles were able to pull off a lot of looks that were ridiculous or just forgettable in the traditional Handbook style. Also, on more than a few, the artist was able to "save" a look simply by committing more fully to it... Porcupine looks pretty cool with more emphasis on his quills, Frankenstein looks much better if his furry vest is more ragged and misshapen.

It also helps greatly that different artists used different materials for the costumes... In the handbook day, everything was spandex. Now, elements of various costumes are bulky, or made of stiff materials, or replaced with street clothes, and so many generic looking costumes become much more distinctive giving the characters much more personality.

And then there are those that are just plain funny.

All in all, a really neat blog to peruse. Thanks!

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