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Member Since: Sat Jan 03, 2004
Posts: 2,131
In Reply To
Al B. Harper

Subj: A little car polish really brings out the shine.
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 at 06:31:53 pm EST (Viewed 393 times)
Reply Subj: Very bright ponies!
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 at 05:29:35 pm EST (Viewed 3 times)


    I can't say I really like the style of the ponies though (not specifically your versions, but the overall style in the genre). I'd prefer to see AJDiller ponies in his own style.

I see this as largely sitting halfway between the show and what I tend towards... Keeping very true to the design while going with a completely different shading and rendering style. It's my job to match set styles on most projects, and I actually enjoy the challenge of it (provided I like the style of the original artwork.)

In general, though, I like the fact that those ponies are nothing but faces, really. No hands, no feet, no clothes... Just come up with expressions, throw some hair on top of the head and you're good.

    And you should sign your work yes. Particularly as it is being passed all over the internets. There are two pony rumps in either corner just waiting to be branded with an AJDiller brand.

You know what, I think this is the first one of these that I've forgotten to sign. I like to keep my signature unobtrusive, and most of the time people would never notice it. I only ever bother to add it just to be able to point it out to someone if I need to say "no, seriously... I drew that."

On a tangent, I like that Deviant Art has a very simple system in place for claiming copyright of the work you post. You check off the boxes you want to reserve the rights for (commercial use, reproduction, whatever) and when your work is posted they attach the appropriate Creative Commons copyright to it. All of my stuff in that gallery is free to anyone to use non-commercially, though they can't claim they created it themselves.

    Next up I'd like to request Al B. Harper about to be eaten by a Cthulhu Mythos monster. Other EEE members optional. \:\)

Start writing the story, then we'll talk.

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