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Member Since: Sat Jan 03, 2004
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Subj: Re: I've seen 3 of them...
Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 at 03:30:25 pm EDT (Viewed 396 times)
Reply Subj: Re: I've seen 3 of them...
Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 at 10:38:52 am EDT (Viewed 357 times)


      Thor and Captain America were both awesome. I loved Thor, but when I came out of Captain America I said "I have to admit, that was better than Thor", to which my Iron Man-loving buddy had to chime in Iron Man was better (I disagreed, but mostly just to bug him).

    Yeah, I'd agree with him, but Thor and Cap were both great fun anyway.

I could be convinced that the first one was better, but Cap and Thor were both definitely better than Iron Man 2, in my opinion.



      I saw Green Lantern last week in the cheap seats (I reviewed it at my blog, http://doeswhateveracomicsblogcan.blogspot.com), but I'll save you a click; my review was "I should've gone to see X-Men: First Class). I had heard X-Men was far superior, but since I'd heard GL wasn't that great I thought I should see it in theaters so at least maybe the special effects could help carry it...I was extremely bored throughout the whole film, checking my watch a couple of times to see if it was over.

    I went to check your review and ended up watching that X-Men cartoon instead. I had vague recollections of it from when it originally aired, but I hadn't realized until I saw it again that it was the basis of the X-men arcade game.

Yeah, and apparently you can get that game for your iPhone now. Ah, if only work had provided me an iPhone instead of a Blackberry...

    And you are right, for it's time it was damn impressive. Still, I'm not surprised that it wasn't picked up... It was such a bizarre mismatch of heady ideas and childish plotting and childish dialog. Oh, and Stan Lee has never been good at VoiceOver narration. Ever.

Well, in it's defense it was a pilot episode. Things could have been changed and tightened up. For a pilot I thought the plot was fine, it showcased all of the main characters and what they can do. It lacked substance but you knew who the X-Men were and what they were capable of by the end of it.

And I have to disagree a little on Stan. What he lacks in technique he makes up for in enthusiasm. I think he does fine in the role of narrator here, and he sounds genuinely excited about the X-Men's adventures. His voice acting, on the other hand, is a little weak (eg. the Super Hero Squad television show, but honestly I wouldn't take his character out; who better to be major of Super Hero City?).

I recently picked up the HBO Spawn animated series on DVD (saw it for $10 for all 3 seasons) and Todd MacFarlane does an intro to each episode. Todd could learn a few things from Stan.


      X-Men will be a DVD viewing for me, only because with the drive to the theatre and a 4 month old it's pretty hard to get out to a movie, let alone 4.

    I think it comes out this weekend on DVD here in the states. I'm looking forward to seeing it.

It's out on DVD here this week too I think. I'll probably try to grab a second-hand copy if possible; I'm past the stage of needing to buy movies the day they come out at the highest possible price.


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