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Member Since: Thu Jan 01, 1970
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Subj: Re: New look for Wonder Woman and a new actor for Spider-Man
Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 at 02:58:15 pm EDT (Viewed 352 times)
Reply Subj: New look for Wonder Woman and a new actor for Spider-Man
Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 at 01:42:52 pm EDT (Viewed 339 times)

    Comics are all over the mainstream media the past couple of days. Wonder Woman has gotten a makeover as part of a new story by JMS, and I really don't care for the new costume. Hopefully it is just temporary as part of a contained story, since I can't see it lasting long-term. I discuss the new costume a bit over at my blog, http://jboknows.blogspot.com

For the most part, I agree with you. In general, the new outfit looks good to me... there's nothing really to complain about unlike some other costume redesigns. However, is it a particularly great Wonder Woman costume? I don't think so. At the end of the day it seems very generic to me. It's essentially Black Canary in pants, isn't it? It's just so nondescript... so easily replicated in the real world, that it loses all interest for me. I'm sure that's what they were going for (something that would work in a movie) but at this point I wonder why have a costume at all.

Someone had gathered up some other costume changes for her, including some that were purportedly movie versions of her iconic look, and I have to say the ones that I liked the most (if a change was totally necessary) were the ones that looked inspired by Greek armor. Hell, some of them could have simply been a repaint of Xena, Warrior Princess with Wonder Woman colors and designs... and honestly, they worked fine. I could easily buy it on film as a ceremonial armor of the Amazons.

Really, I think the main problem with Wonder Woman is that DC seems to feel the need to make her all things to all people, and end up watering down all of her appeal. I don't think they should run from the cheesecake nature of the character... I think you actually get more mileage from pop culture icons that simply prove deeper than the superficial traits. Xena was full of knowing titillation, and yet she wasn't universally despised by feminists... quite the opposite.

DC should stop apologizing for what Wonder Woman looks like and focus instead on bringing a strong, appealing character to the forefront.

    Also in the news, the new Peter Parker has been cast for the Spider-Man relaunch. Why in the world they would cast a 26-27 year old to play high school Peter Parker I will never understand; assuming they want to do multiple films with the same actor, he's going to be 30 by the time they do the next one. At least on a television show when the actors are older you get a lot more mileage out of them since they appear much more often.

Yeah, I find it kind of creepy that they cast guys in their late 20's to be high school students. Of course, I remember all of the films of the 80's where High School seemed to be populated entirely by college seniors just so that they could flash some nudity legally.

I suppose I'll wait and see how well they do with it... Personally I'd prefer them not to set it during High School anyway.

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