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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sat Jan 03, 2004
Posts: 2,131
Subj: The soufflé shall be mourned forever.
Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 at 01:46:06 pm EDT (Viewed 470 times)
Reply Subj: The Silver Age Dimension, Part Four: Catastrophe Falls
Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 at 12:30:08 pm EDT (Viewed 475 times)

Previous Post

Magweed broke off her exposition identifying exactly who was on the line-up as the door to the kitchen burst open, revealing a small, pinkish figure in a state of distress. "Eet ees ah cahtastrophe!" he squealed in a bad French accent. "Zee soufflé haz collapsed!"

"Zounds!" said Hatman.

"Egad!" exclaimed Al.

"Brap?!" asked Visionary, blinking in surprise at he sight of the three-foot-tall, talking bipedal pig.

"Er... Oui..." the pig replied, his chef's hat flopping precariously over one eye. "I deed not know we had company. Unfortunately, zhere will be a slight delay in brunch."

"Brap! It's me, Visionary!" the Regular said excitedly. "I've been looking everywhere for you! Where have you been?"

"Er... zhe kitchen?" the pig answered hesitantly, looking over the odd man. "'Ave we met before, monsieur?"

"Yes! In the Moderatorverse! And possibly some other times before... things get kind of hazy when I fall out of reality, you know" Visionary explained. "We were close friends, and you helped save the world and all, and then reality snapped back to normal, only I didn't know you in the normal reality, so I had no idea where to begin looking for you, and I called Dr. Moo and asked if she had created any biogenetically engineered pigs, but she wasn't really cooperative because she's a big evil cow and all, as Asil would say, so I pulled some favors with Quoth and she said she'd alert me if you surfaced, but what with the thing with the Carnifex and all I was overly distracted and lord knows how busy she must have been keeping reality twirling... All of which just goes to say I hope you can understand why it's taken so long to find you!"

"Er... oui" the pig agreed, backing slowly towards the kitchen. "Ah can see how zhat would 'appen." He smiled gamely and nodded in an encouraging, non-threatening manner. "Well, eet haz been wonderful meeting such fine guests, but I really must be getting back to zhe kitchen and my knives. My very, very large kitchen knives." With a gulp, the pig was gone through the doorway.

"That was Brap?" Griffin asked. "He seemed nice."

"Good cook too" Trickshot agreed. "But I do miss getting bacon for breakfast."

to be continued...

And Visionary scares another one. That should be his super-power.

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