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Member Since: Thu Jan 01, 1970
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Subj: How my characters could fit into the Silver Age....
Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 at 01:32:50 pm EDT (Viewed 447 times)
Reply Subj: Round Robin: The Silver Age Dimension, Part 1
Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 at 01:49:49 pm EDT (Viewed 461 times)

Previous Post

"Kids, make sure your bedroom windows are closed!" shouted Visionary as he frantically scurried about the lighthouse. A wicked storm had come about and the leader of the Lair Legion was worried about the rain soaking the carpets. The power had already gone out and the lighthouse was running on emergency generator power.

As Visionary latched the window in the kitchen Hallie shimmered into view. "Vi-h," she tried to say, her holographic form flickering in and out of view. There wasn't enough power coming from the generator to properly run the holographic projectors implanted throughout the house. "--mitter---drawer---"

Visionary spent a few moments trying to decipher what Hallie was trying to say, then figured it out. He opened up one of the drawers in the kitchen and pulled out one of her Holographic Emitter Devices. He clicked on the power and after a minute or so Hallie downloaded herself into the HED.

"Wow, that is one crazy storm out there!" she said as she stretched, adjusting to the confines of the emitter. "Are the kids okay?"

"It takes more than a little storm to frighten my kids," Vizh said proudly. A massive boom of thunder caused the Regular to jump. "Of course I didn't grow up in a magical land where everyone wanted to kill me." Vizh adjusted his yellow jacket then asked, "So what brings you over in this storm?"

Hallie had almost forgotten in all the rush that she had recently told Visionary that they could no longer see each other. She had just beamed herself over like everything was normal. "Oh, um, Al wanted me to warn you about --"

"Dad, the storm's gone!" shouted Griffin as he and Magweed caromed down the stairs into the kitchen.

"Mom!" Maggie shouted in surprise and ran to embrace Hallie. She was surprised when she passed right through her.

"Sorry kiddo, my solid light projectors were knocked out by the storm," Hallie explained. "I'm on a portable right now."

"Dad, the storm is over, look!" Griffin insisted, pulling Visionary over to the window.

"Griff, there's no way a storm that intense would just up and...that's quite the rainbow, isn't it?" said Vizh in shock. The storm had abated and there wasn't a cloud to be seen in the sky.

"I can't feel the Lair Mansion!" cried Hallie in surprise. She tried to transmit herself back to her home mainframe and found nowhere to go. "I'm stuck!"

"But the Mansion is right there," pointed out Maggie. "Maybe we should walk over and see what is wrong."

"Not so fast," cautioned Visionary. "It could be an attack on the Mansion. You three stay here while I check things out."

Visionary strode to the door, confident that even in her HED the children would be safe with Hallie. Before he could open it he heard a knock.

Confused, Visionary opened the door and was surprised to find Dancer on the doorstep.

"Hello neighbor!" she greeted him with a warm smile. He was surprised to see her usual leotard replaced with a knee length skirt and a bow tied neatly in her hair. "I'm Dancer, from the Lair Legion! We saw your lighthouse appear on our island and we thought we should send the welcome wagon! Here, I baked these just for you!"

Dancer pushed a tray of cookies into Visionary's hands. Clearly she didn't recognize him, which was strange considering Visionary was her adopted brother.

Hallie popped up behind Visionary. "Did I mention Al said there was some dimensional instability caused by the storm and he was worried the lighthouse might end up in an unexpected reality?"

To be continued by...

Lee Bookman, The Librarian: He might be dead in the present day PV but with some tweaking could exist in the Silver Age. Most of the time when I think of him & his mythos being more like the 1970's space epics but the Librarians & the Intergalactic Order of Libraries have always had an underlying homage to the the Green Lantern Corps (the IOL is even run by short blue skinned men in robes). So, if the IOL is the GLC then Lee Bookman is Hal Jordan. For Lee to fit into the Silver Age his uniform would have change, he'd to loose the trench coat (comic book character didn't start wearing those until the '80's). The uniform would mostly like bare the symbol of the IOL (whatever that might be).  The basis for the IOL & the Librarians doesn't truly fit the the Hero aesthetic of the age but does have a counterpart in that age & that was slightly intentional. The Librarian's collecting information from planet & storing it on that planet's near by Moon was inspired by how The Watchers' work. Lee also breaks a few laws like Uatu does, Uatu has as code of non-interference which he doesn't always follow where as Lee is not to be active in being part of the information he collects. Plus, He's to not leave his Library but does/did quite frequently.  A Librarian of the Silver Age would mostly be one that would be hard to place but would definitely be do able. 

Chad & Ronnie: They would possible in the Silver Age given that humor based comics were still regularly being done. Most of how the two of them act & go about their lives would not have to changes to fit into the comics of the day. Even their supporting cast wouldn't have to have many changes to them (Catherine would probably be one to change out of the group). Now they wouldn't most likely interacting with the Super Heroes of the day. The closest they would get to the the heroes would mostly be in a parody story here & there of them becoming heroes themselves (something similar to Archie Andrew's Captain Pureheart persona). But, Chad & Ronnie could exist quite nicely in this age.

Ham-Boy: He like Lee has roots in this Age. In my mind I've always thought of HB to be like what if Clark Kent grew up to be Spider-Man. Ham-Boy is from a small mid-western town, started his super hero career during his teenage years & then after high school moved to the big city: That all sounds like a pre-1985 Clark Kent. The Spider-Man aspect comes in when you talk about Ham-Boy's powers: One such power (The Ham-Sense) is directly inspired by one of Spider-Man's very own powers (The Spider-Sense) but HB's is less effective. I've had HB use a sausage link lasso in the past which I've slightly envisioned as been something like Spidey's webbing. With some small tweaks here & there Ham-Boy could become a Hero of the Silver Age.

Semi-Transparent Lad: Also has roots in the Silver Age. The origin of his powers come from a accident which involved radiation. How he went about becoming a super hero also has some ties back to this age. Being part of C-Class as part of the Federal Meta-Human Resource Center could be seen as akin to the X-Men: a group of young men & women with special powers all lead by a man with special powers himself. Again with some tweaks here & there STL could become back of this Silver Aged world.

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