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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: That was a pleasant surprise...
Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 at 07:14:50 pm EDT (Viewed 410 times)
Reply Subj: Adventures in Parodyverse:  Zephiir’s Prophecy, Part 6
Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 at 02:13:13 pm EDT (Viewed 463 times)

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Adventures in Parodyverse:  Zephiir’s Prophecy, Part 6

    Ã¢â‚¬Å“I have one single condition.”  Kiivan told the two men following him into the palace.

    Ã¢â‚¬Å“What would that be?”  one of them asked.

    Kiivan stopped, and looked into the eyes of the man who spoke.  “That you respect all citizens of Caph.”

    Ã¢â‚¬Å“I’m...not sure I understand.”

    The Caphan ruler smiled.  “Shen Rae and her people are now citizens of Caph, and Caph has a responsibility to defend all its citizens.  I know your own laws prevent you from attacking and dominating a neutral people.  That’s why you’ve been using scare tactics.  It’s all you’re allowed to do.”

    The male Galactic Government soldier swallowed hard.  

    Since Kiivan was trained well to watch reactions, he knew he had the man right where he wanted him.  “So you may meet Shen Rae.  But when you leave, you will leave alone.”

    Ã¢â‚¬Å“That’s not--”  the alien started to say.  “She’s a criminal--”

    Ã¢â‚¬Å“Caph has a council of elders.  A court, if you will.”  Kiivan interrupted him.  “If you feel you have a claim to Shen Rae’s people, you are free to bring the matter before the Council and present your case.”

    The two soldiers stepped back to discuss their predicament quietly.  Finally, the same one spoke up again.  “And if she decides to go with us willingly?”

    Kiivan shrugged.  “She is free to go where she chooses.”

    That seemed to cheer him up, and he smiled.  “Then let’s meet Shen Rae.”

    Ã¢â‚¬Å“Certainly.”  Kiivan replied.  “Follow me.”


    Shen Rae was surprised to see the two Galactic Government soldiers brought into the observation room.  She maintained a confident pose, however, because she saw a real confidence in Kiivan’s eyes.  She knew he had a plan.

    Ã¢â‚¬Å“It’s time to go home, Shen Rae.”  one of the two soldiers said.

    She frowned, folded her arms, and looked up at the much taller and larger soldier.  “A prison labor camp is not home.  As long as the Galactic Government doesn’t accept me or my people, this is my home.”

    Ã¢â‚¬Å“You have to understand, you’re very powerful.  The last time your people fought each other, you destroyed a planet, and reduced your numbers exponentially.  What if the same thing happened among those who aren’t so powerful?”

    The soldier looked directly at Kiivan when he said that.

    Shen Rae looked at Kiivan too, and saw unwavering confidence again.  “I understand.  The more you talk, the more I understand why we have to remain here.”

    Ã¢â‚¬Å“You know important trade secrets.”  the soldier pointed out, the implications becoming mildly threatening.

    Ã¢â‚¬Å“I have no need for trade secrets.”  Shen Rae laughed.  “I’m not trading anymore.  And Caph is content to stay out of external matters as well.  The secrets I know are as worthless to Caph as the sands of this world’s deserts.”

    Kiivan nodded once, but said nothing.

    Then the soldier turned to Kiivan.  “You’re right.  The laws of the Galactic Government forbid me to take Shen Rae’s people by force.  But an envoy will return to meet with your Council of Elders.  It’s quite possible we will be forced to recommend your world for quarantine.”

    The Caphan leader held up his hand.  “Excuse me for a moment.”  

    He signaled for Shen Rae to follow him across the huge observation room until he was far enough away that the soldiers would hear only whispers.

    Being adept at protecting her master’s privacy, the female servant standing by to tend to Shen Rae’s needs immediately began to ask the soldiers if they wanted any food, beverages, or a pillow to sit on while they waited.  She spoke softly, but it was enough noise to drown out any conversation that might drift across the room.

    In a low voice, meanwhile, Kiivan asked Shen Rae pointedly, “What does he mean by quarantine?”

    She replied, “It means they will prevent anyone from trading with Caph.  But...they’re forbidden to make their presence known to any cultures who don’t know about the Trading Alliance.”

    He nodded.  “So it’s basically an empty threat.”

    Ã¢â‚¬Å“Yes.”  she confirmed.  “If it was anything dangerous, I would have spoken up right away.  What about the Council of Elders?  Would they be frightened by such an empty threat?”

    Kiivan laughed.  That was the only sound which carried across the room.  “Shen Rae, those ancient men are far more seasoned and experienced with politics than I am.  The may be a little reactionary and conservative, but they’re smart.  I put my trust in them. ”

    Shen Rae nodded.  She motioned to Kiivan that she was returning to speak to the soldiers.

    Ã¢â‚¬Å“I will take a vote among my people.”  Shen Rae told them.  “I doubt they will agree to return home...but if they do, I will go with them.  By the time you meet with the Council of Elders, you’ll have my answer.”

    The soldiers left then, and returned to their ship.  They never did meet with the Council of Elders...but Shen Rae did.  She met with them in full green skin and hair, and clothing that resembled formal Caphan female’s, but more to her taste of modesty.  Motivated by Kiivan’s tale of what occurred, they voted almost unanimously to include Shen Rae’s people as citizens of Caph.

    As the next few months passed, Shen Rae faded into the background in matters of her own people.  Instead, they formed a council of their own, and they chose her once first officer, Jai Yoon, as a spokesperson.

    But Shen Rae was far from retired.  She took to the stars again, in the Heart of Light, with a mixed crew of Caphan and Ke’Tan.  It turned out that moon which was destroyed contained some very curious materials, and it fueled a new Caphan scientific drive to explore it’s planetary system and star.  For that, Shen Rae was glad to lend her ship, and its power, so that the exploration could take place safely.

    She knew that one day Caph would want to explore beyond its own star.  She missed it herself.  But she also craved the hard-earned simplicity she experienced on Caph.  When they were ready to explore the universe, she would be ready too.  It was the least she could do for their kindness and protection.

    One night, she visited the Caphan palace, and caught Kiivan in the observation room, looking at the stars with a wistful look in his eyes.

    Ã¢â‚¬Å“Do you think my people will be ready someday?”  he asked.

    Ã¢â‚¬Å“I think they’re ready now.”  Shen Rae replied.  “They just don’t know it yet.”

    Ã¢â‚¬Å“I saw things, experienced things, I would love my world to share,”  he said.  “and other things I would not.”

    Shen Rae laughed, and stared out the window as well.

-- Story written and copyrighted (C) 2010 by Jason Froikin, and may not be 
--    reprinted without permission.  
-- Yuki Shiro designed by Jason Froikin, based on designs by Masamune Shirow
--  Liu Xi Xian and the Psychic Samurai are original design by Jason Froikin
--  Lara Night is an original creation by Jason Froikin

We so rarely get a story on here that ends on such an upbeat note, let alone one that projects that out into the future. Of course, the months that passed at the end of this story might have only been filling in the time in continuity since we last saw Caph in Untold tales, but either way it was somewhat surprising, and refreshing I thought.

Nicely done!

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