Tales of the Parodyverse >> View Post
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Member Since: Thu Jan 01, 1970
Posts: 618
Subj: Whatever gets the job done, I say...
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 at 04:53:30 pm EDT (Viewed 578 times)
Reply Subj: Cheatery!
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 at 12:07:26 pm EDT (Viewed 535 times)


    A fine choice for Hallie, if in 3 parts. \:\)

If I had just added them all together into one repost, then nobody would complain. I suppose I could delete the second two and hope that a new reader would actually care to check out the rest of the story. Might have a hard time finding it, but that's not really my problem...


    I agree the original Magweed tale wouldn't work to explain how she fits into the PV, so this one works nicely.

Yeah, the kids are hard to nail down. They're probably best shown off in an Untold Tales chapter, but I don't know those ones well enough to find an example in short order.


    I don't know if Kerry would count as your character or HH's; she is a part of the Visionary cast, but also the Juniors cast. Something for the Apostate and Kenny the Gardner would be good too.

Surely an Untold Tale chapter would best show off Kerry... and since Ian created her (or Dancer?), I'll generously leave it to him to pick one. I suppose I could pick something towards the end of "Mob Rules" for the Apostate, although he's not exactly someone that anybody else will likely ever need to write.

I'm not sure why everyone seemed to want Kenny included, but I tossed him in there now too.

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