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Member Since: Sat Jan 03, 2004
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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: Well, it would probably draw more eyes with pictures.
Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 at 10:39:43 pm EDT (Viewed 612 times)
Reply Subj: Relatively...(this is one of those reply threads HH would like)
Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 at 02:43:53 pm EDT (Viewed 612 times)


    The difference is relative - in a bar full of women who were loud, flirty, and playful, Anna was the wallflower that blended into the background. Another clue was the guys had those "spoiled frat boy" jackets, meaning they're exactly the type to ignore a wallflower. Anna made a poor choice introducing herself to that table.

Indeed, but luckily she struck out with them anyway.


    I haven't really tried casting Anna yet. Actually I haven't really tried casting any of them permanently - I've made comparisons before, but they change often.

    Anna was designed both physically perfect (because it's actually more difficult to create a physically flawed android) but not too far above average (because she's a military creation, not a sexbot). I didn't say before now, but her deep blue hair was to give her character, because otherwise her lack of physical flaws could actually make her less believable as real to an observer.

I like the idea of her obviously fake hair color being something to throw off people's assumptions about her.  As far as being a military creation and not a sexbot, I think there's a great deal of unanswered questions about why she was built to look as she does at all...  Why female, slight, perfect but not overly sexy, etc.  I'd be curious to know how they planned her initial interaction with the Legion to go... how they were going to introduce her, how they planned to use her appearance to their advantage.

Did her creator have some inspiration for her look?  A daughter, cousin, neice, sister, etc.?  Was Anna designed to appeal to anyone specifically in order to gain access? 

I think there's a lot of story potential in the non-military aspects of her design.


    This also reminds me of the "hiding in plain sight" theory. Lara Night is very famous at home, and likely somewhat famous in Paradopolis. Hardly anyone bothers her though because a) she doesn't wander Paradopolis all the time in costume, and b) when she does go out she looks like any other attractive blonde, and purposely tries to do so, going alone and trying to blend in to not draw attention to herself.

    It's similar to seeing someone like, say, Ali Larter (who I've compared to Lara before, just not here) in a cafe in L.A., drinking coffee, wearing a baseball cap pulled over her eyes and very little makeup. Sure a few people might recognize her anyway, or recognize her voice - something I can do myself - but in general, most people would just order their coffee, move on, and ignore the blonde sitting at a table in the corner who looks like thousands like her in L.A.

I had to look up Ali Larter.  Is it wrong that I had no idea who she was until I saw that picture of her in whip cream and then said "Oh, that's who that is!"

About how old would you say Anna appears to be again?

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