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HH refers to the WWI trenches song

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Subj: Now I just need an old kit bag.
Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 at 09:17:33 pm EST (Viewed 3 times)
Reply Subj: Sorry about your troubles.
Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 at 09:06:02 pm EST (Viewed 4 times)

    Sorry to hear about your current difficulties. \:\-\( Hang in there. But that's good news about the publication you're writing for. It's a great feeling to know lots of people are reading and appreciating something you have worked so hard on.

This year I've had a short story in "Alternate Visions", an anthology superhero fiction book and the aforementioned novella in the Holmes volume. Next year it's Robin Hood, a story in the "Gideon Cain, Demon Hunter" first anthology, and more Holmes. Since all of that's written and submitted those are the things I can cite with some fair confidence.

    While it is sad to see this place decline in traffic, who would have thought it would have lasted over a decade? That's some accomplishment. And like me, I think others will drift back eventually.

    I also hope my current work reflects my own writing style's maturation. I will definitely post the story now that I've received a reply from you.

Yes, I'm interested to see what you can do now with concepts you created so long back. I think sometimes the distance allows us to distil the essence of what we once did and bring techniques to bear that have been honed with practice.

    Now I just gotta get Finny, Nats, Bry, Greg and spiffy back here. ;\-\)

Proceed. The key would probably be to get everybody to show up at once so as to generate some buzz.

That said both Nats and spiffy have responded to stories I've written in the last few months.

Other MIA to track down would be Donar and Hatty.

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