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Anime Jason 

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Subj: This subject sounds almost obscene now.
Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 at 08:09:28 pm EST (Viewed 425 times)
Reply Subj: Follow your heart.
Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 at 06:01:10 pm EST (Viewed 1 times)


      The second strategy, which she employed during the Moderator Saga, is to counter the super-powered mob with a super-powered posse of her own (hence the she has a lot of powerful friends part), only smaller and either very powerful or very clever. Possibly even ask them to harass the super-powered assassination mob while she goes after Screwdriver himself.

    It'd be a good story but it's moving towards DEFCON 1 on the superhero wars.

There is a point where Chiaki is really unwilling to escalate to. She's willing to call in a posse to teach another posse a lesson; but if it's going to be a battle that will cause a lot of collateral damage and put innocent lives at risk she'll find a different way to do things.

For instance if someone sent the Carnifex after her, rather than involve the entire Lair Legion and possibly a few alien races to beat him, she probably would just try to negotiate with him, and appeal to either his sense of honor or pity. She's not above using big, sad puppy dog eyes in situations like that.


      Also another weakness she has is something simple: Someone who's more of a wrestler type fighter, who moves in close very fast and uses their body weight and strength against her. She'll fight back against that violently, but it places her at a huge disadvantage because of her small size.

    I think she's probably well versed in how to avoid that particular strategy though.

She's been cornered before, and was badly hurt. She won the fight, though.

    Screwdriver tends not to get into revenge scenarios. They're bad for business. He prefers gathering favours then calling them in.

This is an interesting spot to point out an interesting contrast between two characters.

Chiaki particularly hates people who think they have superior intelligence and therefore have the innate right exploit other people, especially those they feel contempt for. Chiaki will manipulate people sometimes, but usually on genuinely friendly terms. In other words, she would make a terrible Hollywood agent. Note that this also means she would have a particular dislike for the Hooded Hood. Screwdriver sounds like he's in that same category.

Lara Night, on the other hand, thinks its fun to match wits with the super-smart and super-powerful types - but not so much to battle them physically. She can be quite sneaky in her own right, but tries to keep honest so she can sleep at night. She believes the Hooded Hood to be occasionally interesting, sometimes a fun opponent. Screwdriver, she might make as angry as she made the Chronicler.

    That would require a precognitive ability to know that Black was about to launch a citywide takeover.

She might have passed a carrier pidgeon vendor somewhere in Badripoor. And they might be fairly common among people who don't trust their communications not to be intercepted.



        I think Chiaki could likely sense the wrongness of the will o'th wisps as well as the energies inside Black himself.


        That much evil might trigger a fight-or-flight kind of reaction in her. She might even try to leave quickly or badly hurt him to escape the interference.


It's kind of like if you have something in the room with you making a high-pitched cricket noise, only very loud. You might be highly tempted to bash it into dust with a stapler.

In Chiaki's case, Tom might produce a lot less psychic noise if he's unconscious.


      The scary one, though, is the one you don't see coming. If she were properly motivated, Lara Night is perfectly able to turning him into a charcoal fossil at close or long range, and she's capable of it. The trick to that, of course, is she would need a lot of motivation, much more than Chiaki, and especially Keiko. Lara has had to kill before, and isn't eager to do it again - but she's not dead set against it like Hatman, either.

    There's lots of ways to kill any character if the story requires it. The skill comes in avoiding the situation where that's the logical outcome.

Lara hates being the "bad guy" if she can avoid it. Note how much abuse she's taken while in the Parodyverse simply because she's unwilling to use extremely deadly force. She's a lot like a cop who's been shot several times because he's afraid to draw his weapon.

But, if she feels sufficiently threatened - or if her friends are threatened enough to force her to lose her temper - she's not going to freeze up and allow herself or her friends to be killed to preserve her white-hat status.

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