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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: Not as many as if Kerry had been involved.
Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 at 03:53:49 am EST (Viewed 2 times)
Reply Subj: Were a lot of fires started?
Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 at 12:20:36 am EST (Viewed 406 times)


      I'm interested in the way things played out that Yuki's quite pissed that international supervillain sponsor Justus Screwdriver hasn't ever really been caught. I'll need to remember that minor irritation on her part for future plots.

    Yuki tends to take up a side project when she's been made angry like that. But her biggest flaw in that regard is that she's bound to try and take it on herself instead of doing the smart thing and having Champagne or the Psychic Samurai locate and trap him.

Well, Josh's creation Screwdriver (just about the last surviving Josh cast member still in play - that lad did tidy up after himself) is homage to and fills the niche of Justin Hammer, supervillain broker, and as such would make a good adversary for any hero. He's more of a James Bond mastervillain than a combat type, so if he was annoyed by Yuki or Chiaki he'd likely contract agents to go and take them down (or rather try); but only if it made sound business sense - if it was cheaper to give Chiaki a million dollar cheque to make her go away he'd probably do that.

The problem is that he doesn't really break the law in many detectable ways. He's got too many middle men. We've seen one of his training islands in the Carribean (it had an unfortunate Legion experience) but there's no direct link back to him. Screwdriver keeps his hands clean. What makes him dangerous is his underworld connections.


      I tried to play fair regarding the Carnifex's fakeness. In the course of the four part story I reminded people of Regret's ability then had her completely disappear from the plot.

    I think back when this story started I said he either had to be fake or under the influence of something.

Have some points then.


      As for Champagne, she'd been established as just being great at spotting this kind of thing so I thought I'd let her run with it. At the time this four part story started poster-Champagne was still popping in occasionally.

    I was just entertaining thoughts in the background of her trying to verify her suspicions first, and her sending someone to ring the Carnifex' doorbell and ask if he's home.

She'd have some difficulty because Black was tying up the entire Badripoor comms net at the time (deliberately). Even the LL couldn't get signals out, as attested by Hallie.


      The Legion won't be trying to detain Tom. He's in a nation that doesn't have an extradition treaty with the US and he's been declared free of all charges there so they don't have any legal claim to him. Hatman thumped him because Tom can be a prick and deserved it. When he wakes up he's free to go.

    That's kind of a weighty conclusion, considering the number of people who will hurt him badly if they encounter him now. He's going to have to hire a bodyguard, and count himself fortunate there's no one like Keiko who would be paid to execute him without him seeing it coming.

Tom doesn't really care who he pisses off. He's got something of a death wish due to circumstances from before his series started, including some of his service in the Parody War. He relies on his training as an intelligence officer, his ability to plan and anticipate, and his growing power in that order to keep him ahead of the game.

As for assassin attack, Tom might not spot an assailant but if he or she has a life aura his will o'th wisps would, even if Tom was sleeping.

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