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Subj: I want to know where all the ghosts of deceased bigfoots are...
Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 at 11:30:54 pm EST (Viewed 7 times)
Reply Subj: What interests me...
Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 at 05:14:53 pm EST (Viewed 6 times)

    A few things about ghost reports that interest me:

    1. Ghosts generally wear clothes. That's got to mean something.

Well, TV and movies always portray temperature drops around ghosts. I can't blame them for wanting to throw on a sweater as a result.

    2. Ghosts that are said to walk on the anniversary of their death seem to have mostly converted to the Gregorian calendar.

That is true, isn't it? All those leap years and such in between, and they've kept with it. I can hardly keep track of my important dates even with an iphone.

    3. The relationship between haunted sites, underground water and tectonic activity seems worthy of further investigation, given our understanding of how electromagentic activity can affect our perceptions.

I hadn't heard of the connection between ghosts and underground water before. So maybe divining rods really do work, but only when there's a ghost around to point them in the right direction...

    I've done a few daft things when younger, including a midnight graveyard search for a barghest (a traditional phantom dog in Yorkshire folklore). I once slept the night in a ruined "haunted house" (with Shep actually) but while the place was pretty creepy we didn't actually find any spooks. Plenty of spiders though.

I'm not sure that spending the night alone in a house with a hot young brunette would qualify as "daft"...

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