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Anime Jason 

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Subj: Physically, anyway.
Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 at 01:50:01 am EDT (Viewed 474 times)
Reply Subj: No virgins were harmed in the making of this episode.
Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 at 08:55:04 pm EDT (Viewed 12 times)

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I was trying to write a self-contained story (given that I have three other PV multi-part tales still awaiting conclusion, the Forest Week thing, Tom Black, and the Herringcarp Asylum horror story - I haven't forgotten), so I forced myself to curb the cutaway scenes and sub-plots, but otherwise we'd have seen something of Hagatha Darkness and her charges and possible some material with Chiaki doing an orientation at St Jude's; maybe also some of the LL follow up to the factory's sales legers (plenty of things for the detective types to do, followed by plenty of things for the vampire/cultist smashers to do). Clearly if anyone's inspired to fill in any of the blanks then they're welcome to; this is the PV after all.

It's funny you say that, because for the longest time I've had the image in my head of Chiaki as a schoolteacher somewhere. It would show off her more "zen" side, because you can't exactly get angry at kids and slice them up. Plus with her calming demeanor, it seems like a perfect match somehow. And what kid wouldn't want their teacher to be a ninja or a samurai?

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