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Al B. Harper

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Member Since: Thu Jan 01, 1970
Posts: 618
Subj: It happens to all of us
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 at 04:17:35 pm EST (Viewed 3 times)
Reply Subj: I'm back, blast it
Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 at 08:12:31 pm EST (Viewed 357 times)

> I think the main reason I've been absent from the Parodyverse is I fell behind on stories, and I kept telling myself I'd catch up, but the task just got more and more daunting and I stayed away.

The best way to deal with it (from personal experience) is to silently insert yourself back in - read and reply to the newest thing on the board without sweating too much about immediately catching up on everything you missed. What you don't start to pick up on in the new stories can then be asked about later - and people love to answer questions about their stuff. This works for me, and since Jason closed off the ability to post replies after a certain duration there's also that technical excuse for not worrying too much about replying to everything you missed.

So jump back in Hattt!

And...how are things going in married life?

> If anyone would be so kind as to sum up any major story happenings for me, that would be great.

Well, the main stories of the last few months have been an as-yet unfinished Dancer kinda-round-robin where Dark Thugos has moved into her flat as her roomie and taken up a role behind the counter at the BnD to learn more about human nature. Hillarity ensures.

Jason has been continuing with his delightful insights into the activities of all his characters in the Parodyverse - with Tom Black making life more interesting for some.

Tom has been continuing that trend over in Badripoor in a few recent stories by Ian which have spiffy concerned (and concerned enough that real spiffy posted).

And L has been giving us some insight into the everyday lives of some of the Parodyverse citizens.

KS seems to take great pleasure in posting wonderful snippets and chapters about one of his muses only to continue with a totally different character in the next story. Is poor Michael Wooster going to end up married to Constance or what? And...what will Griffin do to get out of Kambyon's clutches? I think he likes to leave us hanging like this...

Visionary and CSFB! of course both need to write more. Well Kirk has been keeping us entertained with film reviews, Doctor Who musing, and such.

Oh and hey Yo just posted down the board a ways! Welcome back Yo and Hatman! Hope to see more of you both.

(If I forgot anyone please post a "Hey Al what about me" reply).

Al B.

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