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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Jan 04, 2004
Posts: 1,235
Subj: Noted.
Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 at 09:08:02 am EDT (Viewed 482 times)
Reply Subj: Dream's thoughts on this would echo my own ...
Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 at 02:37:58 am EDT (Viewed 505 times)

> ... Which is that Chiaki has displayed a streak of surprisingly bad judgement here (and coming from him, that's saying something). The Safe breakout was wrong, not because it broke the law (all our characters have done that), but because it fucked over her friends and countless innocents. Asking Akiko for help only made things worse (and I'll agree with Vizh that your characterization of Akiko continues to be problematic, because she operates on subtlety or subterfuge, and while you've captured that well on occasion in the past, it's not uncommon for you to miss that mark, as I feel you've done here), and as for ending her own life ... well, I know she's your character and not mine, but I see it as a selfish act, that's beneath someone of her caliber, because it's basically an easy out, to avoid finding some other way of atoning for what she's done, and whether she lived or died, it would have guilted Jay for calling her to account.

The Safe breakout went horribly wrong, because there was interference. She suspects but doesn't totally realize that yet. Either way, she knows that right now she's taking the blame for it all.

Akiko may be doing something part of a much larger plan. A very large one, in fact. She's sick of a useless loose cannon mayor she can't control.

Chiaki knew from the start, when she pulled the fire alarm at the Safe, that there were only two ways out of that plan. Vindication, or humiliation and dishonor for herself and Hatman. Traditionally, bringing that much humiliation and dishonor means she deserved to die for it. What she was telling Hatman is, she knows she deserves it, but she's afraid - and she wanted to choose how and when it happens.

The rest, as I told Visionary, is almost like a lover's spat or something similar. Both Chiaki and Hatman thought the other was being selfish, and should help the other, but they were both too proud to ask for it. It turns out to be Yuki who puts and end to it and motivates them both.

> I'm not trying to be a dick, but this still needs ... something.

There's more coming eventually. I hope it works out. There's a lot of story and so little time to cram it in.

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