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Member Since: Sat Jan 03, 2004
Posts: 2,131
Subj: It was only a matter of time.
Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 at 07:00:52 am EDT
Reply Subj: "Well, there goes the punch..."
Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 at 11:35:58 pm EDT (Viewed 460 times)

> "Well, there goes the punch" Yuki noted. "Sooner than I would have guessed."
> "Cobra's in a mood" Banjooooo informed her, munching on some Swedish meatballs. "Not that she isn't always, but still... ManMan should have listened to Knifie and not pushed his luck."
> "Wow... she's really good with that plunger" the cyborg Legionnaire observed with admiration. "She gets her whole body into the action."
> "Dedication" the Sea Monkey agreed.
> "So..." Yuki said, watching him out of the corner of her eye. "You wouldn't happen to know why the government bigwigs spent all afternoon meeting with Mumphrey, Hatman and Visionary, would you?"
> Banjoooo choked, and needed to use his newly formed meatball swallowing superpower before he could answer. "Ah... did they?"
> The private detective Legionnaire smiled. "Yep. And I noticed you, and Donar, and some other current and former heads-of-state types showed up for it as well."
> "We're just here for the party."
> Yuki nodded. "Yes... I'm sure that's it." She turned back towards the buffet table. "Should somebody help Manny? That plunger seems pretty firmly affixed to the back of his head."
> "Hmmmm..." Banjooooo considered it. "I suppose we should have Elsqueevio part the punch" he decided. "And maybe ask Ruby if Mr. Lye is able to get cranberry stains out of sequined jumpsuit."

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