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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: Only 1 billionth of them read English.
Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 at 06:43:52 pm EDT (Viewed 470 times)
Reply Subj: Well, over 1 billion of them are in China.
Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 at 06:10:31 pm EDT (Viewed 1 times)

> > ...where is everyone?
> > 1.  Where do you think people are going?
> I think lack of replies leads to a downward spiral of less inspiration for story writers, leading to less postings, leading to less reason for people to check the board regularly and reply.

That much I knew.

> > 2.  Do you wish the PVB was something it currently isn't?  Different kinds of stories, missing characters, etc?  Or has it gone too soft, gotten too silly, etc?
> I wish it was more populated with posters.


> > 3.  Is the PVB taking up time that doesn't exist (i.e. time from work, chores, etc) and therefore getting you in trouble you can do without?  For instance are you always close to getting busted reading the PVB at work, or taking time from work, getting you in trouble at work or with family?
> I've certainly got less personal free time than ever before, and slightly less impetus to prioritise what little I have for PV writing given the slow pace and low participation. My apologies for the stalwarts who do keep the place ticking.

That's the point I was trying to get across. I'm willing to do my part if I can.

> > 4.  Is there someplace else, possibly an alternative to the PVB that you feel is a better investment of your leisure time?  Another message board?  Facebook?  Something similar?
> What is this leisure time of which you speak?

Around 2 hours a day.

> > Feel free to add your own reasons, and also feel free to answer for anyone you've heard from who's no longer with the board.
> I know Shep gets depressed when she feels people aren't being supportive of others' efforts and that in turn makes her less likely to hike to an internet cafe or library where she can post. And then she feels guilty that she's not pulling her weight and feels out of things. And then she rings me and tells me all about it.

I already feel guilty enough.

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