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Member Since: Sun Jan 04, 2004
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In Reply To
Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
Posts: 2,834
Subj: I'm still here.
Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 at 02:03:47 am EDT (Viewed 494 times)
Reply Subj: And the question on everyone's mind (I hope)...
Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 at 12:58:23 am EDT (Viewed 482 times)

And I'm not going away.

> 1.  Where do you think people are going?

I have no idea, which is one of the things that concerns me.

> 2.  Do you wish the PVB was something it currently isn't?  Different kinds of stories, missing characters, etc?  Or has it gone too soft, gotten too silly, etc?

My only problems with it right now are the lack of replies (and I do apologize for overlooking your last World Class) and the bad noise that results from the same, either because of people pronouncing the board dead, or others coming out of lurking to tell those who are complaining to shut up, neither of whom do anything to improve my mood. I have mixed feelings on the long round-robins and extended epics, because while they've inspired me to move forward with certain character developments, they've also discouraged me from writing other stories, because it often feels like my characters are trapped in a holding pattern, waiting for other writers' plot developments.

> 3.  Is the PVB taking up time that doesn't exist (i.e. time from work, chores, etc) and therefore getting you in trouble you can do without?  For instance are you always close to getting busted reading the PVB at work, or taking time from work, getting you in trouble at work or with family?

Nothing like that.

> 4.  Is there someplace else, possibly an alternative to the PVB that you feel is a better investment of your leisure time?  Another message board?  Facebook?  Something similar?

I have to admit, I've been spending more time writing fanfic on LiveJournal, even though I still want to tell stories about my own characters, and one of the reasons is because I can get anywhere from a dozen to a hundred replies to one of my fanfics.

> 5.  Is the PVB itself "too silly" and you've gone on to more serious things?


> 6.  Are you afraid your chosen profession would be harmed by associating with the PVB?  Or that it will endanger your family or kids?  Is it a case of "I would have stuck with the PVB but I can't have it (bookmarked) where the kids/wife can see it"?


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