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Anime Jason 

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Subj: Re: Proceed then.
Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 at 11:03:15 am EDT (Viewed 266 times)
Reply Subj: Re: Proceed then.
Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 at 09:08:21 am EDT

> > > > I'll say give it till Saturday. If I'm not well enough or organized enough to post something by then (or mention that I'm almost done with something), have at it.
> I think you've managed without me.

I had some good news about the eye yesterday - no surgery needed for now. So I celebrated by starting to catch up on the writing I was too stressed to do the last couple days.

> > > > I have the distinct feeling the shattered Portal is the only reason why he hasn't.
> > > He hasn't finished the Herringcarp horror series yet. That's the real reason.
> > It seems to be going on with Danny and Vinny present.
> They're just catching echoes.

They're in the right place for those echoes to become real.

> > > The Purveyors' Legion has no intention of fighting any crime, although it's possible they may take down any criminal organisation that doesn't make its protection payments.
> > That's not going to do well for their publicity.
> But it'll do wonders for their bank accounts. They're noit in this to be loved, just to be prominent enough to get away with doing what they want. And really they're the biggest toughest gang around right now. There's nobody who can stand up to them and say "don't."
> Not that that's going to stop Kerry and Co from trying.

I'm sure they will. I wonder if they may have some unseen backup?

> > > As we've seen, the Baroness can be adept at "spinning" things. What if she were to publicly invite Lara to join the team? "We've seen the good Ms Night can do in a small way, but the time for the enthusiastic amateur is over. We're pleased to offer Lara a place amongst the Lair Legion, where her power and passion can be properly attended to."
> > Fortunately Lara isn't nearly that stupid. She already knows it's going to be open season on her if they discover she's loose in the city. In this case she's just creating a rumor that she might be loose in the city, but nobody can be sure.
> She'll need to be good at hiding.

Lara is better at hiding than the Psychic Samurai, because she can do so beyond the abilities of most people. If she doesn't want to be found or caught she won't be easy to at all.

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