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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: Comments and requests
Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 at 11:05:00 am EDT
Reply Subj: About the cool new posting form...
Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 at 11:52:25 am EDT (Viewed 302 times)

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This is a short post which covers some of the features of the new posting form and what they do.

The new Comment field - When filled in, the contents of this field displays immediately after your name on the Index page in Thread view (it currently doesn't show up in Subject view or on the Show page).  It's mostly cosmetic, but does have a useful purpose.  It allows you to edit that comment independently of the name, and it makes editing posts later easier whether you have an account or not.  It will eventually lead to a point where changing your account Display Name (if you have one) will automatically change the display name on all your posts (without the comment field that's impossible).  This field is Rich Text compatible.

The "Locked In" Name and Edit link - If you are logged in with an account, your Display Name will be shown as text, without an edit blank.  Clicking the Edit link will allow you to edit it.  I did this because most of the time, logged-in account holders don't edit the name, and it looks better (and a little less confusing) this way.  Javascript is required for the Edit link to work.

The Alternate Login - If you're not logged in, you can use this field to temporarily log in just for one post (but not permanently - when the post is submitted, you'll still be logged out).  Or you can post with a different account.  If you're posting from a shared computer this is an ideal way to post without staying logged in at a strange location.  This feature will give you quite obvious feedback as it checks the account name/password.  Obviously Javascript is required for this feature.

The Clear Text Button - If you're posting a No Text post, the Clear Text button allows you to remove all previous text from the Message Box.  This can be a time saver, especially when using a mobile device like the iPhone.  Javascript is required for that button to work.

Layout Changes - The posting form has been neatly centered and has a new crisp, clean look.  The attachments links have been moved to the right to keep the buttons close to the Message box instead of an entire page further down.

I'm not sure that the "comments" box offers much more than the addition of something that I have to scroll past to post. In truth, I never sign in, and yet I don't need to type in anything special in the Name field to edit the post, no matter what comment I might have included originally. It has only ever really worried about whether I got the password correct.

As for requests, I really, really, really, really, really would like to have the link to the main board included at the bottom of each page. It really is quite necessary. Also, I'd very much like the posting page to include the title of the post to which I'm responding where it says "in response to..." Currently, it only lists the name of the poster that I'm replying to. Since many replies play off the subject of the previous post, it'd nice to be able to read exactly what they said while I'm typing the response.

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