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Subj: That's a good gig for a muffin... That kind of thing is usually reserved for tortes and above.
Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 at 10:39:57 am EDT
Reply Subj: I hear it does lecture tours now.
Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 at 09:10:43 am EDT

> > It's no cruller, but to each their own.
> Look for the upcoming cruller vs blueberry muffin limited series - When Pastries Clash!

You know, a blueberry cruller doesn't sound like a bad idea... I should get Mr Papadopopolis on the phone...

> > It's fun to see Vinnie and Regret doing the road movie thing, traveling to exotic places and meeting interesting people. I'm sure what might or might not happen in airport bathrooms would be entertaining as well.
> Vinnie has to watch himself. He's apparently already in trouble with Liu Xi.

I admit, I'm not entirely sure why, but then Liu Xi is a mysterious girl... and I really can't claim to fully understand even the least mysterious members of that gender.

> > Looking forward to seeing which Judas Box recipient takes the prize in the big fight!
> We've saved up most of the FX budget for next time.

I hope the FX are better than that CGI version of The Rock from the end of "The Mummy 2".

> > Oh, and thanks for reminding me... It's been a while since I've caught up on Girl Genius. I'll have to do some marathon reading tomorrow.
> I've been very happy with Agatha Repairs the Coffee Machine and Gil Takes a Stand.

Yes, both good bits, now that I'm all caught up. I pretty much enjoy all of the mad science bits, as well as most anything with the Jagermonsters. I've always felt that it was a very Parodyversian comic, and not just because the art style is pretty much how I view all of our characters (as discussed in regards to my influences). Gil could easily fit into an arc of "Untold Tales", for instance. And Ferretina the Weasel Queen might be HuntingJustice DeathMarrow's sister. And both universes offer the possibility to work in lines like "Who has deactivated my beautiful frogs!?"

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