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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: My answers
Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 at 02:17:40 pm EDT (Viewed 291 times)
Reply Subj: QORN: Easy Answers...
Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 at 01:11:14 am EDT (Viewed 364 times)

Previous Post

The Psychic Samurai never had powers, so she would just go on doing what she does already.

Liu Xi Xian would probably go to University (which she might do anyway) and major in chemical sciences - to try and use what she learned from her former powers, and see if she can duplicate it with technology. And possibly make some money trying. Or if magic has been spared she may become less dependent on her inherent powers and use spells she learned instead.

Yuki Shiro would most likely re-establish the detective agency she was trying to establish before the Lair Legion hired her. She might take on Anna as well since the android would be unable to find normal employment otherwise. She never had any super-powers either, but since there's no Lair Legion anymore there's no point in pretending she's a member.

Anna would have a tough time. She's unable to seek normal employment because she's not supposed to exist, and therefore isn't a citizen nor has a social security number, passport, etc. She would have to either return to SPUD or work with Yuki.

Lara Night, being from another universe and the only one left with any power, would have the difficult decision to become a champion of the Parodyverse or return home and visit the Parodyerse only covertly from that point on.

I think Hatman would look at becoming a teacher. He's show with his work at the Zero Street Mission that he likes coaching kids (he and CSFB! have been shown running a basketball program I think), so it wouldn't be a stretch to have him teach, probably coach as well.

I could see Dream running his own comic book store. When I say "run" April would handle the actual business end whereas Dream would be more the face of the business, eagerly engaging in debates with his fellow fanboys while tending the register.

I can't top Vizh working as middle management in a faceless corporation.

Glory would be a seeing eye dog I think, since I expressly forbade police work for this question. \:\)

I don't know if I see Yuki going back to being a detective if she was a regular human; I could see her becoming a moto-cross racer or something involving thrill seeking though.

The Hooded Hood could be a loans manager at a bank. Little did you know when he granted you that loan he calculated you would be having kids within 2 years and the loan repayment schedule would stretch you to the point of having to apply for another loan to cover mounting expenses with an increase of 3.5%!

I think it's safe to say that the Librarian would be a, well, librarian.

Kerry would be in juvie, I have no doubt.

I may have more later, this is what I get off the top of my head.


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