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Subj: Roni Y. Avis?
Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 at 10:49:00 pm EDT
Reply Subj: If so, he may want to hire someone who isn't from hell to serve as an interpreter for him...
Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 at 08:03:43 pm EDT

> > Yes, I can see why Tom wouldn't be your favourite character. Vinnie's much closer to the Visionary end of the scale. One day those two will have to meet.
> I don't know that two such characters have all that much ability to play off each other, but then I wouldn't want to discourage you from trying.

Contemporary Vizh is much more experienced than Vinnie. It would be nice to play Vizh as the cool competent one for a change.

> Jerks make for interesting leads, but they're tricky to write, certainly, if you want your audience to sympathize with them and not the people to which they're being jerks. Jerks who are also winners are really tough sells. I notice that most fictional jerks who are almost always right are portrayed as having miserable lives outside of their area of expertise... No ability to maintain meaningful relationships, no friends, drinking problems, etc.

Jerks are sometimes fun to watch, though, especially if they're up against people who actually deserve it. See next issue.

> Tom's currently in an inbetween stage... He's had a run of bad luck, no doubt, but it's not something that really makes me feel sorry for him yet. (At worst, he got a smoking hot demon temptress in his bed and massive powers... hard to pity him at this point.) The fact that he might still be capable of being manipulated gives him a vulnerability that makes him a bit more relatable... I'll be watching to see where he goes from here.

Tom has his share of tragedy in his backstory, but really he's about wrestling with massive corruptive powers in a world that expects him to fail and become a menace - a world that hates and fears him, to coin a phrase.

> > I'm fond of Vinnie too. In my original pre-vanishing-posters gameplan I expected him to also guest appear in Deadeyes before we pick up his story again as he seeks a date for his family reunion weekend. I hope we can still get that far.
> > The date? So many possibilities, but candidates might include Liu Xi, Ruby Waver, Regret of the Damned, Champagne, Marie Murcheson, or Urthula Underess. Votes?

> Hmmmm... Lots of interesting choices there. I somehow doubt Vinnie is the one to make Urthula settle down, but I always enjoy her appearances and she does like a good party, I hear.

As we'll see next time Vinnie has already met Urthula.

> Marie gives some fun options for Flapjack connections... and now I'd much rather see a story about him taking her to one of *his* family reunions. (Although that might be much too cruel to Marie.)

I do need to get back to that whole "dying" thing soon.

> I'd like to see Ruby again... not sure how that would work into her relationship with Tanner, but any developments there would be welcome.

We've never established any solid romantic relationship there. I think the tension works better for now.

> I have trouble imagining how Champagne would work as a date... she's such a loner character so far.

I'm keen to integrate the character more into the PV if the poster wants it.

And advancing things with Liu Xi would be fun to watch to...

I'm not sure if that's the way to go for Liu Xi though. She may need at least one sustained plotline that doesn't involve her with a potential romantic male.

> Did that narrow it down any? No... I guess not.

Thanks for the help. No, really.

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