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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: Re: Turned into?
Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 at 07:41:45 am EDT
Reply Subj: Re: Turned into?
Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 at 01:02:43 am EDT (Viewed 763 times)

> > > It's not what he's done, it's more his attitude. In contrast, Liu Xi has been nothing but kind and polite (in spite of occasional cursing) even though she's had her share of problems

> > She did also burn a couple of people to death and murder an innocent woman in stasis to preserve the life of the god of murder. Snarky Tom hasn't killed anybody so far as we know. He was also pretty kind to Asil.

> But Liu Xi was never rude about it though. She just accidentally burned to death one person and killed the woman in stasis because she believed it was for survival. Not because it made her feel powerful or superior.

She politely burned someone to death?

And what about all the times she's hurled Chinese curses at people? That language was far from precise.

Tom doesn't need to be rude to feel powerful or superior. He feels powerful and superior al the time anyway.

> > In fact if you take a look at the LL there are far more candidates for villainy than what we've seen Tom do so far.
> If you go that far you might also have to consider that the Psychic Samurai as an associate of a known criminal (as endlessly polite and patient she always is). And that Lara Night had a mysterious incident of having to kill someone but doesn't want to talk about it much - and she seems to understand the Hooded Hood a bit too much.

Exactly. Tom isn't a Lair Legion crony so he gets the crap while "protected" hot women get an easy pass.

> Speaking of which...Lara also happens to be an illegal with unregistered and powerful abilities. She might be difficult to deport though.

I expect someone - probably the Librarian - has sorted Lara's paperwork out for her by now.

> Once again this brings up just where Lara Night would rate on Sir Mumphrey's threat scale - depending on how much he knows about what she's capable of, and what she's done in the past. Because she's friendly now, but if he's paranoid enough he might not believe she always will be, or suspect her of alternate motives. She does seem to understand the Hooded Hood a bit too much.

There's probably a set of contingency plans to take down pretty much every powerful metahuman on the planet, and Mumph may have contributed to them. Having the plan and ever expecting to use it are different things of course, but given the number of times heroes get possessed, replaced by evil doubles etc. it seems like a neccessary precaution.

Lara's probably tagged as being vulnerable to poisons, gases, range sonics, biological agents, psionic assult - and bullets. Her psyche profile would indicate she'd likely be distracted by peril to apparent innocents; the old fake exploding baby trick would work on her.

> > > > > And Liu Xi is going to be very disappointed in Vinnie De Soth. After she thought he was so nice and decent too, and taking the time to make friends with him.
> > > > What's poor Vinnie done now? He's only had someone call at his shop!
> > > That's what they all say.
> > Wait until we see Vinnie's reaction next time.
> It's a tough one for him. Liu Xi is only his friend yet a loyal one...but he doesn't get a chance with a demon temptress too often. Though since he's into the dark arts he probably knows what she is and doesn't want to get himself in trouble. Or maybe he's just afraid Liu Xi will hurt him.

Vinnie's not unfamiliar with hot demon women; see next time.

Of course, Regret has already been enslaved to Vinnie's father.

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