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Anime Jason 

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Dancer wonders why the military would make a killer robot girl-shaped, and why they would give her blue hair

Subj: They have a sense of humor?
Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 at 09:19:42 am EDT (Viewed 511 times)
Reply Subj: Dancer will send Anna some hair dye and instructions.
Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 at 07:15:44 am EDT

> After all, if they wanted Anna to pass as human for tactical or espionage reasons they could have made her look a lot less distinctive, able to blend in the background. If they wanted her to be sone kind of seduction-bot then why the blue hair?? That must have been one whacked-out design meeting.

She was designed as a battle component, so the blue hair may just be to help spot her in the battlefield. Fortunately it's a deep blue color, like the "Jason" part of my posting name.

> I bet the blue hair is actually a key part of her origin backstory.

Most likely the designer was a fan of Yuki Shiro, who has purple hair.

> Also I wonder who owns Anna. After all she's got to be worth billions. it's like a new Stealth Aircraft deciding it wants to go live in Wales with friends. Somebody's going to have a hard job accounting for the hole in their budget.

She was originally commissioned by SPUD. It's going to be tricky eventually when someone there decides that she's only "on loan" to the Lair Legion.

The budget isn't a problem, since most of their projects are secret enough that nobody can check the budget anyhow.

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