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Location: Seattle, Washington
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Subj: Yeah. But I have a way of tying this all up that doesn't include Hatman.
Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 at 06:29:51 pm EDT (Viewed 427 times)
Reply Subj: If ever a girl needed another emegency visit from Hatman...
Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 at 11:22:48 am EDT

Previous Post

> In case you didn't read Part 1 or have forgotten what happened, here's a link to Part 1

> Goth Haven City Hall, Sub-Floor 3.
> The Morgue.
> On that floor are a few dozen or more dead bodies & four live ones'. The only live female was Catherine Gillespie, Night Morgue Attendant. She was dressed, started from the ground up: a pair of black Chuck Taylor All-Star high tops (They had little white skulls spray painted on to them). On her feet are argyle socks. Her pants are a well worn & ripped in places pair of blue jeans. Next up was a plain grey short sleeved T-Shirt on. Under that shirt was a red & black long sleeved shirt. Over that was a white lab coat with the sleeves pushed up. On a few of her fingers were a few rings. Her black nail polish was cracked & chipped in places (partly due to the fact she has the habit of chewing her fingernails).
> The others were standing across from her in a triangle. They were standing in front of the large black plastic double doors going out to the loading dock. The man out front was dressed in all white business suit, under that was a crimson dress shirt & a silver Ox skull medallion that held his bolo tie together. On his feet were shiny black leather dress shoes. In his right hand was a wooden cane, the top of the cane was shiny brass ball. His long brunette hair was pulled back in a ponytail & was reseeding up top which gave him a high widow's peak. He had a full, almost walrus in looking mustache & beard. He wore a pair of silver sunglasses.
> Behind him were two muscle bound men, who towered over Catherine & the other man. The two men wore matching black turtlenecks & slacks. Each had a name printed across their chest in white lettering. "Tiny" was on the left, while "Bubbles" was on the right. Tiny had short red hair & Bubbles messy black hair.
> No one said anything. The only thing that had been said since they came in was the question uttered by the man in the suit: "I believe you have somebody that belongs to me."
> Since then Tiny just stared off into space & absentmindedly swung the briefcase he held in right hand back & forth. Bubbles looked around. Catherine & the other man were looking each other over.
> "Well?" He said breaking the silence.
> "Uh.. What?" Catherine said.
> "Do you have it?" He asked.
> "Have what?" Catherine shot back. There was a lot of things that could be It.
> He sighed & shook his head no. he took off his sunglasses & put them in his cost pocket. He closed his eyes & pinched the the break of his nose with his left hand. Then he put back on his glasses & said. "Listen, Miss..." He paused & looked for some thing. He found it: her ID Badge.
> "Gillespie?" he said. He was a bit taken a back by the name.
> "Yeah. That's my last name."
> "Any relation to.. you know?"
> "To who?" Catherine asked. She didn't know who he knew.
> "Any relation to the famous Gillespie?" He asked.
> "The Jazz artist?" She asked. That was the one everyone always thought of. Once she was asked if she was related Darlene Gillespie, the Mouskeeter, which was a nice change of pace for once.
> The man noticed that Catherine's attention had drifted off, so he snapped the finger on his left hand a few times & said "Hello?" He snapped his fingers again, that broke Catherine from her train of thought.
> "Oh. Sorry." Catherine said.
> "So are you related to him or not?"
> "Distantly. We're like 4th or 5th cousins a couple of times removed via a common ancestor from some time around the American Revolution."
> "Interesting."
> "Sort of." Catherine with a shrug of the shoulders.
> He just noticed something: She had been staring at his chest. He rolled his eyes. He crossed his arms over his chest & asked "Just want to do you think your doing?"
> Catherine's looked up & meet his eyes. Then said "Sorry. It's just that I think your the guy known as.."
> He interrupted her & said "The Man with Glass Breasts?"
> The burly men in the black turtlenecks giggled a bit. Their boss shot them a look which made them stop giggling.
> "Yeah."
> "So, your looking for my Breasts?"
> "Yeah."
> He began to smile & then asked in a somewhat creepy way "You wanna see them?"
> "Uh.." Catherine uttered, she wasn't sure.
> He noticed her hesitation. "It's ok if you don't want to."
> Catherine thought about them for a moment & then said ok. He snapped his fingers and Tiny gave his boss the briefcase he had been holding. He walked set the case on a table. Catherine and the Henchmen followed shortly behind. He opened the case & said "Nice. Aren't they?"
> Catherine looked inside to see what appeared to be a pair of breasts made of pure Glass. As Catherine looked at them, he noticed that she looked puzzled. "What?" He asked with a laugh. "Did you think I kept them on my person?"
> "Well...." Catherine said pausing for a second. As She continued, she cupped her own breasts. "Seeing as I have a pair of my own & knowing something about Human physiology: Breasts normally come attached to the Person they belong to."
> "Well, the set my own glass breasts are based off are actually real ones, the real pair belong of my wife." He said with a smile.
> Catherine looked at him, then them & back at him.
> "What?" he asked.
> "She has those?"
> "Yes."
> "Does she have back problems?"
> "Why?"
> "Because there a bit large, almost comically large." Catherine said.
> "No." He said almost insulted.
> "Are they unnatural?"
> "Well, my lady has had some work done but her rack is as God gave it to her." He said & then leaned in whispered in her ear. "Just between You, Me & the wall: God went heavy on the breasts but light on the brains."
> He laughed as he leaned back. Catherine didn't laugh, she did get a shivers up & down her back.
> "Did she have the work done before or after she met you?"
> "A little before but most of it afterwards." He said & shrugged as he said. "What can I say I like my women a certain way & she wasn't quite perfect. So I brought up to the perfection that her boobs are at."
> Catherine wasn't sure how to respond to that comment.
> "Sure, I had to suffer through the weeks while she recovered but I think we're better for it." He said with a insincere grin.
> He then asked "You want to see a picture of her?"
> "Ok." Catherine said fearing what this woman actually looked like.
> He snapped his finger & Bubbles pulled out a glossy photo. He handed it to his boss who handed to Catherine. She looked at the picture. It wasn't the greatest of shots. The woman pictured had mounted a tiger skin rug, she was wearing a bikini in a similar print. The Tiger's head was squeezed in between her two large breasts. Her platinum blond hair was teased up into a faux Mohawk was probably held together by a few cans of hair spray & a few bobby pins. She had a fierce look on her face or what could have been a fierce looking face if it wasn't paralyzed by plastic surgery or maybe Botox. The backdrop was a picture of tropical beach somewhere. The floor was black & white tiles.
> "Hot, huh?" He said with a large smile.
> "Yeah." Catherine said unconvincingly as she handed the picture back to which He handed the picture back to Bubbles who put into his pocket.
> Catherine then noticed He was looking her over. He then said "You know you could be one of my women with a little work done here & there."
> "Uh... no. Plus, your Married!" She said. She thought a few more reasons, too.
> "So? Me & the Misses have an open relationship: I'm free to see other people & she's free to not work!"
> "I'm not sure that's how that works."
> "That's how it works for us!"
> There was few moments of silence, then Catherine asked. "What would happen if she was seeing someone besides you?"
> "Nothing. But if I found out she was seeing someone on the side: They'd be dead." He said with an evil smile.
> "Is that why your here?" Catherine asked a bit scared.
> "Yeah."
> "oh."
> "So, as I said before: I believe you have somebody that belongs to me."
> The way he said that gave her goose bumps.
> "He belongs to you?"
> "Yes. Everyone I employ belong to me."
> "What he do?"
> "Well, what he did I don't like to think about. Or at least other people to do it to my wife. Me doing it: It's ok." He said then noticed that wasn't what she was asking. "Oh. He was a member of my grounds crew. Got to keep the landscaping looking good, I paid a lot for it."
> "Your Wife & the Gardener?"
> "Yes."
> "Sounds a bit Cliched."
> "I know it's the truth." He said. Then raised his left arm to the square & said "God's honest truth."
> "Ok. But you know I can't just let you take him."
> "What? Why not?" He said getting a bit angry.
> "There are many reasons but the major one is I could lose my job."
> "You could loose your life if you don't." He said even more angrily.
> Catherine wasn't sure what to do but she needed to think of something quick.


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