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Location: Seattle, Washington
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Subj: Actually...
Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 at 08:14:07 pm EST (Viewed 327 times)
Reply Subj: I love it when the QORN inspires stories!
Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 at 09:53:07 am EST (Viewed 332 times)

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> It's was a cold frosty morning in Parrodipolis. The world has woken up to see the city covered in snow, it's a marshmallow world & the world seems at peace.
> "Why did you get me out of bed?" Jane Tarzania as she entered the apartment shared by Ronald Arnold Gerrimoto Beeslyhuxtoy & Chadwick L. Swiss, more commonly known as Chad & Ronnie.
> Jane was awaken from her midwinter's slumber by Ronnie. He was staring down at her, he was smiling a bit creepily as he did it. He said he was there to take Jane to the celebration. She reluctantly got dressed, got her stuff together & they were off.
> There in the living room was Chad & Catherine on the couch. They were watching a televised fireplace, it snapped & crackled just like a real one would. Catherine turned her head, saw Ronnie & Jane: she gave a smile a nod of her head & raised her mug in greeting. Jane nodded back.
> The apartment was almost bare of any decoration to denote the season but then Chad & Ronnie don't celebrate normal holidays like everyone else. They celebrate Chrismahannaqwanza!
> It's present was visible only by what stood in the corner of the living, in between two windows there was a wood coat rack. It was decorated with a a few strands of red & yellow colored lights, at least a package of saltine crackers on strings, a few pairs of sock struin about. There were other decorations that jane couldn't make out what they were from her vantage point. On the floor, below the decoration were brightly colored presents, none wrapped all that neatly.
> Jane went to put down her present. It was the one she was asked to buy for Chrismahannaqwanza tradition is that of Secret Clausen. Jane goes & sits down in a chair near the coat rack. Ronnie had left the room. Chad had gotten up from his place on the couch to search for something in his closet.
> Jane asked "What's that?" as she motioned to the coat rack.
> "It's the traditional Chrismahannqwanza Holland Daze Bush." Catherine replied matter a factly. "I think Ronnie called it Shirley."
> "But, it's not a Bush."
> "It was made from one."
> Jane was about to continue on the line of thinking but Ronnie interrupted it by coming into the room with a tray. He placed it on the coffee table that was in front of the couch. On it was two mugs of opaque pale yellow liquid & a plate of oddly shaped cookies. The cookies also appeared to be decorated with no sense for design or visual interest.
> Jane picked up a cookie that could be a Reindeer, a Typewriter or Abraham Lincoln (she wasn't sure which). She took a bite & it tasted like any other sugar cookie.
> Ronnie took a cookie & a mug, he sat across from Jane. There was some moments of silence until Chad came back from the closet. He had his accordion on & began to play.
> "Oh! Oh! I know this one." Ronnie said excitedly. He jumped up from his seat & began to sign.
> Jane wasn't sure what song was, from what he gathered was it had to do with the nutritional value of Pineapples, Chrismahannqwanza, the city of Prague & a fight between Satan & a giant Chicken who spoke french.
> As he sung he swayed back & forth. As he did, his drink swayed back & forth in his mug. It came out over the vessel a few times. Chad always swayed as he played. Catherine hummed along.
> The epic song went on from at least ten minutes, that wasn't including the two accordion solos'. After it was over, the Chicken won over Satan & Prague was in ruins, Ronnie plopped down on his chair. He chugged the rest of his drink & slammed the mug down on the coffee table. Chad was now back on the couch with his accordion leaning against the side of the aforementioned piece of furniture.
> There was more silence. There was a since of unease that permeated the room. It went on from way to long before Ronnie let out a guttural scream as he stood up. It had certainly woken up everyone in the room if not the entire building.
> Ronnie made his was over to the "Bush", he turned around, faced the crowd & said "It's now time to open presents. But before we do, Jane will you recite the story of the first Chrismahannqwanza?"
> Jane didn't know that story. She wanted to decline but the look in Ronnie's eye said he was serious that he wanted her to give the story. Jane stumbled over her words for a few moments & began to tell all she knew about the holiday which was very little.
> "It all started a few years ago in a small shack off the beaten path & a man called Rick Clausen." Jane said. She was going to tell more but Ronnie placed his hand on her shoulder.
> He began to laugh. "You don't have to go any further. I know you don't know the story. But thanks for trying."
> Jane let out a sign of relief. Then Ronnie kneeled over & began to pass the presents. Everyone got one. Jane got to open her gift first because she was the closet to the "Bush". She took off the paper, half roll of Scotch tape & a few strips of Duct tape. There in a rectangular box was a black plastic Swingline Stapler.
> "I bet you don't have one of those?" Ronnie said with pride. He was smiling real big.
> "Uh... no, I don't." Jane lied. She has one back at her apartment & the FMRC gave her one to use at work.
> "I thought so. They are very hard to come by."
> Chad opened his. After tearing off the paper & tape there in the square box with a few sheets of tissue paper was a powder blue Bowling shirt. Stitched right above the pocket was his name.
> "I was noticing your old one was getting a little worn." Catherine said.
> Chad gave her a hug.
> Catherine opened her box & it was a waffle maker which made waffles in the shape of the Batman symbol.
> "Rock on." was her reply.
> "I thought you'd like it. I saw it on eBay & thought of you." Jane said with a smile.
> "Thanks. My old maker is getting kind of of worn out & I was thinking I needed a new one. Thanks, Jane."
> "Your welcome."
> It was now down Ronnie, by this time he had sat down in his chair. He opened a small box & inside was a clear plastic bag.
> "Thanks, Chad. I was getting low on Jellybeans."
> Ronnie opened the bag & went to feed some to Little Cat. Jane picked up the bag & saw that they were specially made Beans, ones Pets could eat & not die for doing so.
> Ronnie came back with Little Cat, who was munching away on a green bean. Ronnie sat down, he rested Little Cat on his lap.
> Again more moments of silence which Ronnie broke by saying "Happy Chrismahannqwanza everyone!"
> There were nods all around.

> Warmest of Winter greetings to where where ever you are & whatever you may celebrate!

I had already thought about doing this as a story but with the QoRN it just matched up nicely.

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