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Member Since: Sun Jan 04, 2004
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In Reply To
killer shrike

Subj: Ha ha ... oh, wow ... I just realized ...
Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 at 02:23:50 am EST (Viewed 487 times)
Reply Subj: Judas Traveller was involved?
Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 at 07:44:44 pm EST

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The story is a bitter pill to swallow for most Spidey fans, even those who aren't big boosters of the marriage, because any time the character gets involved in this kind of metaphysical rigamarole it tarnishes his everyman appeal. Plus it flies in the face of Marvel's argument that their stories are more grounded than their Distinguished Competition.

My best guess is that all this will be undone inside of three years. Two, if fan reaction is especially severe.

> lbd_nytetrayn posted the following images and text (not his own, but quoted from various sources online) on scans_daily:
> Into Hell we go.
> I know of two or three people who received their issues early via direct order from Marvel. One of them had given me a quick synopsis of the last issue. Here it is:
> Ok I will be mr spolier but you might not believe it as it is SO bad. Pete wakes up alone in the bed to find MJ in that bathroom puking I guess (the art & story telling are so bad who can tell what is up). First 3 1/4s was pete & MJ talking over accepting the offer. They come off as so dumb with neither asking the ultimate question, what would May want which we all know she would want then to stay married. So then the devil appears, they say yes cuz... well theres no believable reason they would. Then as just a freebie the devil tosses in that he is gonna rub out the demasking of peter parker. MJ whispers something to the devil to get an easy way out if the writters need it later. Then after they agree the devil says what I predicted, hes rubbing out the child they would have had in the future,,, UGH, Then... poof! Pete wakes up alone, goes downstair to ol aunt may making wheat cakes then run off to a party for .. HARRY OSBORN!!!! Yes everything is totally as if the last 20 years hasnt happened [emphasis mine] (in fact last panel shows them making a toast & you can see petes web shooters peeking out just to say screw you payed to read is worthless now). It is so much worse than I expected it to be. They have just turned Amazing into the start of Ultimate Spider-man. Its the worst time ever in Amazing Spider-man history.
> And for photographic proof, heeere's HARRY!!!
> Oh, and the mechanical webshooters, too.
> ETA: Far better scans of the above (thank you, 5thbeatle on scans_daily).
> Okay, let's forget, for a moment, all the ways in which this fucks with two decades of stories (Venom, Kraven's last hunt, every single time Peter was ready to quit, but held out because Mary Jane gave him the strength to keep going, etc.) because the even bigger issue is all the ways in which this is completely incompatible with all of the stories that are happening right now. If Harry has always been alive, then how the fuck did Norman become head of the Thunderbolts? If Peter never unmasked, then how the fuck did Civil War apparently manage to play out exactly the same way?
> This goes beyond the worst possible stupidity - this is like if DC had known beforehand exactly how badly the original Crisis and Zero Hour would sabotage Hawkman's continuity, and had deliberately chosen to ruin one of their own characters' storytelling viability. I mean, quite seriously, it would actually take more mental effort to be this fucktarded than to choose a less idiotic course of action. You have to work at failing this completely.
> I don't think there can be any argument anymore; this is officially worse than the "Clone Saga," "The Other," Gwen Stacy having Norman Osborn's kids, and all of the other worst Spider-Man stories combined, and it could very well permanently destroy both the character and franchise of Spider-Man.

... You want to talk about a slap in the face? Check out the second linked post on scans_daily: Marvel dedicated the last issue of "One More Day" to J. Michael Straczynski, the same guy who hated it so much that he got into a shouting match with Joe Quesada over how much he hated it, during which he made it clear that he wanted to remove his name from this story, because that's how much he hated it.

And instead, they dedicated it to him.

I mean, this can't be an unintentional oversight, at this point. This has to be a direct and deliberate "fuck you" to Straczynski, not only for daring to disagree with Quesada, but also for airing his grievances online.

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