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Member Since: Sun Jan 04, 2004
Posts: 1,235
In Reply To
Nitz the Bloody

Subj: Considering that the "Clone Saga" and its aftermath ruined Marvel as a whole so much that Bob Harras got fired ...
Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 at 06:22:41 pm EST (Viewed 437 times)
Reply Subj: Re: HOLY LIVING GOD: Even JMS hates ''One More Day'' ...
Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 at 06:05:33 pm EST

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> In spite of unconscionably, impossibly dumbshit clusterfucks like "Sins Past" and "The Other," I never thought I'd see a Spider-Man storyline that had a broader, deeper, and more permanently damaging effect upon the character and his franchise than the "Clone Saga," but Jesus Christ, it's official: Joe Quesada has finally trumped the worst that Bob Harras had to offer.

In your opinion as a fan; there are plenty who disagree with you. I'm not a fan of JMS or One More Day, but I'm not going to claim that Joe Quesada is a bad editor over one series taking a different direction, especially not when contrasted with all the books in the Marvel line that I actually do enjoy.

... I would argue that one bad comic book can nearly deep-six an entire company, especially when the book in question is the flagship title of the line.
No, not everyone shares the same opinion of this story, and no, we don't know for sure how it will turn out, but a) every single one of the most widely circulated rumors about how it would turn out have been proven correct so far, and b) the vast majority of response online - and the response I've heard offline, from my area retailers and fellow shopgoers - has been negative so far, and the negativity cuts across all lines of fandom. Whether the fans prefer 616 or Ultimate, "classic" Marvel or the Quesada era, even single or married Spidey, almost all the responses to this story that I've seen have included some variation of "This is unbelievably, unforgivably stupid."
Hell, you should be as pissed about this as anybody, because if this was Paul Levitz dictating an Authority storyline to Mark Millar, I'm pretty sure you'd be the first one to call bullshit.

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