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Member Since: Sat Jun 11, 2005
Posts: 6
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Subj: Excellent!
Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 at 10:09:26 am EDT (Viewed 358 times)
Reply Subj: I've been going on very little sleep since... what month is it?
Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 at 08:04:20 am EDT

> For those unaware, I'm the art director on an X-box 360/PS3 video game.

I just finished Halo 3 in about 12 hours (and survived the Red Ring of Death to boot..) which leads me to my comment.

I watched a documentary in the Halo 3 CE covering the making of Halo 3 and the delicate balance between the artists (it needs to look better!) and the engineers (no, it needs to work better!). I thought of you when they were interviewing the artists, hence my dropping in here while I was online (Gods and Monsters is only about a paragraph long and I'm too scatterbrained to find the story among the ideas at the moment) and I'm glad to see you're on another project

I hope it's a big one...now that the Halo hype has died (it was ok, but it was no 10 out of 10) maybe people will start looking elsewhere for thier graphical-interface entertainment hit (Mass Effect, Elder Scrolls V, whatever it is you're working on..)

Be sure and let us know what the game is when you can. And keep your fingers crossed. With any luck Annie will hear back about a job she applied for this week and I'll be married to an EB Games store manager before too long (yes, they're both the same thing.)

"Wyrd bið ful aræd"
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