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Messenger loved Bioshock

Subj: Even if I could, you wouldn't have heard of it yet. ;-)
Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 at 12:47:15 am EDT
Reply Subj: That's so cool! What game? Are you allowed to tell?
Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 at 08:09:33 am EDT

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> For those unaware, I'm the art director on an X-box 360/PS3 video game.
> We (re)launched into full-scale production on the game in July, with an extremely compressed schedule for completing it that includes a big delivery of a working level to the publisher next month. This meant that all of our art teams suddenly ramped up from zero to overtime in order to get enough completed that early... especially since art needs to be done first before most anything else.
> As a result, I've been working most of my nights and weekends all summer. On the plus side, the we get further along, the less art will remain, and so when all the people on the programming side of things hit their crunch time, I'll be getting more sleep.

After the delivery in October, the publisher will decide what kind of marketing budget they want to put behind the game, and then after that they'll start bringing up awareness. So I expect by the end of the year there will be the announcement of the game and some various bits about it online. I'll let people know when this stuff starts happening.

The game itself isn't scheduled to be completed until next August, for sale holiday season '08. So there's still a year to go.

But yes... Bioshock was very, very cool.

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