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Anime Jason 

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Subj: A really dangerous one, maybe.
Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 at 01:25:17 pm EDT (Viewed 465 times)
Reply Subj: Couldn't someone just be preparing a surprise anniversary party?
Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 at 12:14:20 pm EDT

> > It's starting to look to me like this is all a set of carefully laid traps to eliminate the entire Lair Legion.  Unfortunately I can't guess who because the list of people who want the LL and its associates gone is way too long.
> There are certainly a range of candidates.

A big range.

> > Of the LL and its associates, though, it looks like Chiaki and Visionary are in the least danger.  It would be strange indeed it the two weakest (and most injured, in one case) Lair Legion associates have to launch a rescue.
> As Vizh protests in his reply, he's in a fair amount of danger. Nyarlurkhotep is in the Dark Thugos power bracket and he really doesn't like Visionary.

Since when has anyone listened to Visionary's protests?  Maybe he should try using Yuki's bluff, it worked for her.

> > From the Baroness' arrogance over the matter, I'm thinking she might be involved somehow even though she isn't directly responsible.  Like maybe she was contacted, knew it was coming, and made a deal.
> Unfortunately for her, the Baroness was once on the LL roster too.

True, but it's pretty well known now that she wants the LL out of the picture.

> > And in light of a possible LL elimination, I'm thinking Whitney, Liu Xi, and Ebony have been given this errand by someone just to keep them out of the way (or were told by someone to).  They aren't really LL members, and while there are people who have it in for them, there isn't much overlap with the list of people who want the LL gone.
> Whitney was a member of the Legion for years, from around UT#40-160 or so. If somebody wanted to finally eliminate all Legionnaires she'd definitely be on the list.

Whitney isn't a current member, though, which might fool someone new to the playing field (or someone who's just too lazy to track down every former member).  

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