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Member Since: Sun Jan 04, 2004
Posts: 1,235
Subj: Doctor Who to receive a sex change?
Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 at 06:07:14 am EST (Viewed 478 times)

I suppose we were overdue for this recurring rumor to reappear:

Will "Doctor Who" become "Absolutely Fabulous"?

Ever wondered what Doctor Who would be like as a woman? Me too. But even if you have pondered that prospect, Patsy and Edina probably aren't the first images that come to mind.

Nonetheless, recent reports indicate that Ab Fab alum Jennifer Saunders may be tapped to play the first ever female Doctor for a special one-shot episode.

Of course, "first ever" is only sort of accurate. Saunders' Ab Fab partner in debauchery, Joanna Lumley, gave us a brief snapshot of what a female Doctor might be like during a skit done for the U.K.'s Comic Relief telethon in 1999.

Part of the punchline of that skit was that, for years, Lumley was seriously rumored to be in the running as a possible female incarnation of the Doctor.

On the one hand, as a guy who grew up watching Doctor Who as a little boy, I must admit that I've always sort of identified with him as a fellow archetypical Peter Pan male who's emotionally and socially frozen in post-adolescence. On the other hand, the two actresses in question have both remained a) as talented as ever, and b) totally fuckable MILFs, so my penis is extremely open-minded about this possibility.

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