Tales of the Parodyverse >> View Thread


Member Since: Thu Feb 05, 2004

Posted with Mozilla Firefox 47.0 on Windows 7

I apparently am the latest of a bunch of people who keep meaning to get back to this place and have not yet done so.  So...Hi.

I do have a story I've had percolating in my head for a while that would be interesting to do here with some established characters, but since I work overnights at an ABC affiliate (which affects brain chemistry, inspiration, frankly creativity, and not collapsing like a sawed log, it hasn't happened yet) I'll at least say "hi", "it's been far too long", and "now that I know my password works again, I'll at least check in at work."  My home internet isn't allowing me to access this here, but there are now clearly ways around that.

Odd that I'm able to get on here at work via Firefox...


Posted with Apple Safari 9.1.1 on MacOS X


Posted with Mozilla Firefox 46.0 on Windows XP


Posted with Apple iPad 601.1.46

Al B.

Posted with Google Chrome 51.0.2704.103 on Windows 7


Member Since: Thu Feb 05, 2004

Posted with Mozilla Firefox 48.0 on Windows 7

Can't promise the lack of world destruction...though my current city is a real nice inspiration for noir storytelling, which just slightly coincides with this particular username.

Let's check:
poverty ridden populace, much of which are into drugs.

Corrupt police force.

Frequent issues with things like bank robberies, vehicular theft, and allegedly there's a number of gangs in town.

Much of its downtown is also somewhat abandoned.

Why, it's almost like I live in a real GothaMetropolis York!


Member Since: Thu Feb 05, 2004

Posted with Mozilla Firefox 48.0 on Windows 7

I'm doing something.  Not sure if it's "well" just yet, but it's something.

I also tend to think of you when we air Agents of Shield...mostly to wonder how Vision would do as a James Bond kinda fella.


Member Since: Thu Feb 05, 2004

Posted with Mozilla Firefox 48.0 on Windows 7

I wish I had the time...but I've tried to put more time into storytelling on the rare chance I can do it, and currently I'm simply too work-related-exhausted to try to do the story I want to do.

moreover, I'm not honestly sure what's happened with the GMY universe since I left all those years ago, so I'm not sure if my idea would even fit anymore.

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