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Member Since: Thu Jan 01, 1970
Posts: 618

Posted with Mozilla Firefox 3.5.8 on Windows XP

I don't normally write fan fiction anymore, but inspired by some Thor vs Hulk artwork at the Thor board I wrote up a short fight scene detailing how I see a Thor/Hulk confrontation going, using the premise from the Hulk VS DVD (it was the shortest way to just do a fight without having to do a bunch of backstory). I also freely admit I stole one line from the DVD too.

Substitute Donar for Thor and the Yurt for Hulk and you've got a PV story. \:\)


"Loki, your rage fuels the beast! Beware!" Amora the Enchantress struggled to maintain the link between God and monster, a mystical bonding that granted the Asgardian God of Mischief control over the strongest being Midgard had ever birthed, the incredible Hulk.

"Rise, accursed hammer!" howled Loki as his thrall strained to lift the hammer of Thor, God of Thunder. Sweat dripped down the Laufeyson's forehead, his muscles burned as he struggled to lift that which only the worthiest of champions was able to wield.

"No!" cried Amora and Loki together as the chamber filled with a blinding flash, hurtling Loki from his feet.

"The Hulk is free in Asgard," whispered Amora more to herself than anyone. She looked over at the frail form of Bruce Banner, separated from the gamma-spawned behemoth and bound by the crimson bands of Cyttorak.

No longer connected, both Loki and the Hulk howled; Loki in despair of failure, and the Hulk in rage. Always in rage.

* * * * *

The Hulk shook his head, his mind now clear from the influence of Loki. Without the influence of Bruce Banner, the Hulk was rage given form, boundless strength that knew no restraint. The beast knew not how he had arrived amidst the golden spires of Asgard, but a spark of recognition burned within his mind as he recognized the challenger before him.

"I ask thee one last time, Hulk. Stand down, lest I put you down," commanded Thor. The skies overhead blackened at his will, a burst of lightning and ear-shattering thunder punctuating his statement.

The Hulk's bellow shook the very walls of Asgard itself, and his footfalls echoed through the skies above. He propelled himself forward with thighs the width of tree trunks, shattering the stone walkways beneath his bare feet. "Hulk smash hammer man!" promised the beast as he was quickly upon the Thunder God.

Thor chose to let his hammer answer for him. Mjolnir, the crusher, sang its song as it impacted with the Hulk's abdomen. Thor followed up with a vicious left cross, but was batted away before he could land another blow. He rolled several times before springing to his feet. He found the Hulk's massive fists waiting, the monster pressing his advantage.

"You are strong of limb, 'tis true," remarked Thor as he narrowly dodged a vicious punch from the Hulk. The Hulk roared and brought both mighty arms down to smash the Odinson, but Thor managed to catch the monster's wrists to block the blow. The two were stalemated, the Hulk forcing all of his might down upon Thor, the God of Thunder struggling to fend off the green-hued behemoth. Thor could feel the ground beginning to buckle beneath his feet, even as the Hulk began to force his arms to bend.

"Hulk is strongest there is!" screamed the Hulk, saliva spraying into Thor's face. Thor was forced to one knee as the Hulk continued his inexorable push downward.

"Nay!" shouted Thor in defiance. With all of his might he redirected the Hulk's efforts to the side while rolling out of the way. The Hulk smashed his fists down into the cobblestone, sending a tremor throughout the entire city. Thor bounded to his feet, Mjolnir at the ready.

"You have tasted Mjolnir's bite," said Thor as he removed his cape and tossed it to the side. "Now you will taste its thunder!"

The sky was split asunder as a massive lightning bolt flashed at Thor's command. The Hulk's pained roar was only drowned out by the intense thunderclap that followed the assault. The skies opened up and the rain began to fall, hammering down in a deluge that could only be described as biblical.

Thor moved to the attack again, hurling Mjolnir at his opponent. The Hulk moved with speed surprising for one as large as he and avoided the mallet, closing the distance between himself and the Thunder God. A field of lightning illuminated the battlefield, but the much smaller strikes were enough to only bruise the Hulk's hide before fading as his healing factor removed any evidence of the damage inflicted.

Thor met the Hulk's charge with one of his own, and windows for miles around shattered from the force of two unstoppable objects colliding. The Hulk recovered quickly and followed up with a massive thunderclap of his own, generated from his two meaty hands coming together with tremendous power. Thor was spilled backwards from the attack, his helmet dislodged and lost.

The Hulk took to the air, his powerful legs propelling him into the violent sky. As he descended towards Thor, howling in anger, Mjolnir returned to its masters hand. Thor gathered himself, and surprised the Hulk with a vicious uppercut, Mjolnir greeting the Hulk's face. The Hulk was hurled backwards, away from the city.

"You will menace my home no longer, Hulk," promised Thor as he whirled his hammer over his head. The air crackled with electricity, the skies bellowed their fury, as Thor spun his hammer faster and faster. The Hulk regained his feet, his jaw already healing. His bellows were overpowered by the thunder.

"For Asgard!!" shouted Thor as he let the crusher fly. Mjolnir seethed with elemental power as it screamed across the divide. This time the Hulk was not fast enough, and the uru hammer struck true. Lightning flashed and the tempest raged as the power of the heavens seared through the gamma-spawned creature. He fell to the ground, his green skin blackened and charred. Smoke wafted from his hair.

Thor stood over the Hulk, watching as his healing factor began to work. "Truly the strength of the Hulk is without peer," said Thor, as he began to whirl his hammer once more. "But there is more to the Odinson than mere strength. The power of Odin and mother Gaea reside within me." A portal began to form as Thor spoke. "None in all the nine worlds may challenge Asgard without facing my wrath and power. Know that, Hulk, should you ever find yourself in Asgard again."

The portal formed, and Thor hefted the Hulk to his feet. The Hulk was already recovering, and Thor could sense a renewed assault coming if he did not act quickly. "I cannot leave you in Asgard while I attend to my stepbrother, Hulk. Therefore I leave you in the Isle of Silence, until I may reunite you and your human conscience." Thor walked the behemoth through the portal, then stepped back to Asgard.

The Hulk stirred, taking in his surroundings. He roared and charged the portal; the beast was well aware he was being caged. Thor closed the portal, then paused to gather himself. The battle with the Hulk had taken a greater toll than he had let on. But his work was not done, so the Thunder God could not stop. Would not stop.

Asgard needed him. And Mjolnir had a song to share with Loki.



Posted with Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 on Windows 2000



Member Since: Sat Jan 03, 2004
Posts: 2,131

Posted with Mozilla Firefox 3.6 on Windows XP

Writing a physical struggle like this, one that is so obviously visceral and dynamic, is no mean feat. This was an impressive tussle, and I thought the text really captured the epic nature of the fight well.


Member Since: Thu Jan 01, 1970
Posts: 618

Posted with Mozilla Firefox 3.5.8 on Windows XP

Saw this scan the other day, your subject line reminded me of it.




Member Since: Thu Jan 01, 1970
Posts: 618

Posted with Mozilla Firefox 3.5.8 on Windows XP



Member Since: Sat Jan 03, 2004
Posts: 2,131

Posted with Mozilla Firefox 3.6 on Windows XP

I think eventually he and Joan Henry need to cross paths over their mutual enemies in the Machine Shop.


Member Since: Thu Jan 01, 1970
Posts: 618

Posted with Mozilla Firefox 3.5.8 on Windows XP


Posted with Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 on Windows 2000



Member Since: Sat Jan 03, 2004
Posts: 2,131

Posted with Mozilla Firefox 3.6 on Windows XP

Did you want to coordinate, or just wing it? Me, I'm just envisioning an old school comics team-up, where there doesn't have to be anything more intricate to bring them together than the Rhino suddenly smashing Spider-man through the wall of the boutique that the Wasp was shopping in... but if you have some plot ideas then those probably wouldn't hurt either. \:\-\)

killer shrike enjoyed the story

Posted with Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 4.0; on Windows Vista

Anime Jason 


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Member Since: Thu Jan 01, 1970
Posts: 618

Posted with Mozilla Firefox 3.5.8 on Windows XP


Member Since: Thu Jan 01, 1970
Posts: 618

Posted with Mozilla Firefox 3.5.8 on Windows XP


suggests you go first, or we can wait until opportunity arises.

Member Since: Sat Jan 03, 2004
Posts: 2,131

Posted with Mozilla Firefox 3.6.2 on Windows XP


says to say hi to the folks for me

Member Since: Thu Jan 01, 1970
Posts: 618

Posted with Mozilla Firefox 3.5.8 on Windows XP

Al B. Harper

Posted with Mozilla Firefox 3.6 on Windows XP


Member Since: Sat Jun 11, 2005
Posts: 6

Posted with Mozilla Firefox on Windows XP

...but this is great writing, Jay.

Strong characterization, progressive plot development and adherence to the old school Marvel approach of having no clear-cut victor.

Unfortunately, the NEW approach is to let any chimp with a netbook write whatever they want and chalk up the negative feedback as 'buzz'.

Nice work, man.

"Wyrd bið ful aræd"

Member Since: Sun Jan 04, 2004
Posts: 1,235

Posted with Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 4.0; on Windows Vista

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