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Member Since: Sun Jan 04, 2004
Posts: 1,235

Posted with Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 4.0; on Windows Vista

... This is EXACTLY what it would look like:

Ahhh, yes ... the utterly one-note generic characters, the literally overkill scenes of violence, the casual yet raging misogyny, and the use of random swear words to serve as comebacks and catchphrases ... why, if I didn't know it was a deliberate parody, I'd swear that it had come from Golan-Globus!

I MUST make this dialogue meme.


HH offers these.

Posted with Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 on Windows 2000

For those of you anxious to know what the local dialect where I live is (and the local sense of humour) I can only offer this chilling clip wherein The Barnsley Poltergeist Returns

Those of a more artistic nature may wish to enjoy the performance that is Extreme Sheep LED Art


was genuinely impressed with the sheep art

Member Since: Sun Jan 04, 2004
Posts: 1,235

Posted with Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 4.0; on Windows Vista


Member Since: Sun Jan 04, 2004
Posts: 1,235

Posted with Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 4.0; on Windows Vista

Everyone, reply here to tell greenpear how awesome they are for making these vids:

I love that this means that Three was basically the Murdock of UNIT.

And for reasons I can't even explain, this next one left me misty-eyed.


Member Since: Sun Jan 04, 2004
Posts: 1,235

Posted with Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 4.0; on Windows Vista

... Albeit in a much more amusing and succinct way than I've done.



Member Since: Sat Jan 03, 2004
Posts: 2,131

Posted with Mozilla Firefox 3.0.8 on Windows Vista

Those must be the electric sheep that androids dream of so often. I've always wondered what they looked like.

I didn't really understand much of anything that was said or done in the first video, but the second one was impressive. I suppose if you tend sheep, you have the time to come up with those kinds of things.

Here's my own bizarre and disturbing video clip:


Location: Seattle, Washington
Member Since: Sun Jan 04, 2004
Posts: 1,038

Posted with Apple Safari 3.2.1 on MacOS X

Interesting. \:\)

Maybe it's just that I've got the image of Visionary, the character, so engrained in my mind that my first thought after seeing you is: He's got a beard! Vish doesn't have facial hair!

But cool video none the less.


thinks you "sound" different from how he imagined you, as well :)

Member Since: Sun Jan 04, 2004
Posts: 1,235

Posted with Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 4.0; on Windows Vista


Posted with Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 on Windows 2000

Then again, I suppose the yellow trenchcoat wouldn't be suitable for indoor wear.

I'm a bit confused about the premise of the game though. The art looks fine but if this "Diller" is the big boss baddie he needs to look a lot more menacing. You're probably going the right way with the "George Lucas" riff but it doesn't scream "hated and loathed man who will destroy the world" - well, not all the time. Also the art isn't as good in the sections he appears in. All the other characters look realistic. Okay, he's got the beard but his eyes hardly glow at all and you need to make his other disfigurements much more pronounced. And where's his sinister cat to stroke? Give this "Diller" some kind of animal to fondle. A weasel maybe, or some kind of stoat.

Anyhow, best wishes for the game. Maybe in the sequel you can bring "Diller" back as a half-human half-cyborg patched together with steam-powered crullers. "I'm CGI, dammit!"


Posted with Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 on Windows 2000

The humour comes from the very blatant atempts to fake poltergeist activity. Barnsley humour is very black.

For example:

Q. What's the difference begtween a social worker and a Rottweiler?

A. You eventually get your kids back off a Rottweiler.


Posted with Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 on Windows 2000


    I love that this means that Three was basically the Murdock of UNIT.

    And for reasons I can't even explain, this next one left me misty-eyed.



Posted with Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 on Windows 2000

    ... Albeit in a much more amusing and succinct way than I've done.



Posted with Mozilla Firefox 3.0.10 on Windows XP

    Interesting. \:\)

    Maybe it's just that I've got the image of Visionary, the character, so engrained in my mind that my first thought after seeing you is: He's got a beard! Vish doesn't have facial hair!

And neither do I at the moment. That was my scruffy "production beard". Now that the game is more or less done (I haven't been working on it since December, as it moved into bug fixing) I've shaved and am trying to lose some of the weight put on by living off of junk food during the late office hours needed to wrap up production.


Posted with Mozilla Firefox 3.0.10 on Windows XP


Posted with Mozilla Firefox 3.0.10 on Windows XP

That's the fun of these "behind the scenes" videos... glimpses of the stuff that doesn't make it into final production.

Al B. Harper

Posted with Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 on Windows XP

    Those must be the electric sheep that androids dream of so often. I've always wondered what they looked like.

    I didn't really understand much of anything that was said or done in the first video, but the second one was impressive. I suppose if you tend sheep, you have the time to come up with those kinds of things.

    Here's my own bizarre and disturbing video clip:




Member Since: Sat Jan 03, 2004
Posts: 2,131

Posted with Mozilla Firefox 3.0.10 on Windows XP

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