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HH has finally got a free weekend

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HH with future Moderator plot resolution plans and spoilers

Posted with Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 on Windows 2000

HH: So, the Moderator Saga...
killer_shrike: I vote you finish it up however you want
Hatman: Heh
HH: Could we list the plot points people feel need resolving?
Visionary: Salieri needs to do... something... to justify his existence.
Hatman: Heh
HH: Could we list the plot points people feel need resolving?
Visionary: Salieri needs to do... something... to justify his existence.
HH: The big one is probably the origin - and possibly the identity - of the Moderator
HH: We have the Doorman treachery/trap
HH: We have Team Jason defusing bombs and rescuing hostages in the basement
HH: We have the Purveyors vs the Legion
HH: We have Vizh & Co heading to the scene
Hatman: Doorman doesn't really need a big pay-off; he just has to betray the team and get shut down. Really Link could just port him somewhere and he finds himself in the Parodyverse Proper
HH: We have Kat Gillespie, Meggan Foxxx and others still in danger
Visionary: We have the Chronicler, Lisa and Shaper up to something.
HH: And Faite. Don't forget Faite.
Hatman: I'd like to see Ham-Boy get a couple of licks in, but it's nowhere near essential
Hatman: I've been warned Sarah needs to check her Facebook before we leave in 40 minutes
Visionary: Heh
Hatman: So I don't know how long I'll be here. \:\)
HH: Sarah so needs a character.
Hatman: The history of writing in significant others hasn't necessarily gone well...
HH: So true.
Visionary: Who said she had to be romantically linked to Hatty?
Visionary: Maybe he's not her type.
HH: Well, there's always that multiple girl I suppose.
Hatman: DupliKate. I need to write something with her
Hatman: Not the Moderator Saga though!
Visionary: She's not the secret identity of the Moderator then?
HH: Shrike, did you have a concept for the Moderator's origin?
HH: Because I believe we sent the Shoggoth and Amy off to find it out.
killer_shrike: I wanted it to be Teen Tony Stark
Hatman: That could work with my theory on where everything he deletes goes
HH: Also, I made an error in the last chapter I wrote. I completely forgot Flapjack.
Visionary: Well, that would have been unexpected.
HH: Even if he's not Teen Tony that's such a good line that it's got to go in there.
killer_shrike: Sort of a parody on what's happening to IM in Marvel, with a little of Superboy/man Prime thrown in
HH: I'm also tempted by Vizh's idea too though.
Hatman: To have Sarah be the Moderator?
Hatman: I'm going to have to veto that one
HH: I like his idea of [SPOILER DELETED]
Hatman: Ah, that idea
killer_shrike: Works for me.
HH: I hadn't realised until he pointed it out how [SPOILER ALSO DELETED]
Hatman: I had the idea that everything deleted ends up in a corrupted on-line storage server (maybe Hallie's digital world preserved and corrupted from PV proper)
HH: Or, as Shrike says, it could be ending up in Marvel plotting meetings.
HH: If they have them any more.
Visionary: They have meetings for those plots?
Visionary: too slow.
Hatman: At the bar
Visionary: I'd like to see Helen get to do something since I dragged her into this.
Visionary: I suggested she knew a secret of the Moderator's that was dangerous.
HH: Noted.
Visionary: Not necessarily a way to take him down, just something she wasn't supposed to know.
Hatman: That he wears ladies underpants?
*** Brian has joined.
HH: Good evening.
killer_shrike: Howdy
Brian: Hello!
Hatman: Hey Brian
Visionary: Heya
HH: We'll certainly need to find something for every character to do. Otherwise the ending wouldn't resonate right.
HH: Brian, do you want to do a chapter covering Kat in the Death Camp?
Hatman: As I said, Doorman doesn't need anything much
Brian: Maybe.
Brian: I'm not sure what I'd do.
Brian: That's part why I wrote the HB thing.
Hatman: Neither do Gary or D'ur; they're just background. Or corpses
HH: I was thinking I might write another chapter that pulls everything together, then leave a window for final solo tie-ins from the main cast...
Hatman: Deal
HH: Vizh & Helen, Gary, Shrike, CSFB!, Kat if Brian wants to, Shoggoth if Chris wants to, Jason’s team...
Visionary: Am I in the main cast? I'm still trying to write a Christmas story...
HH: And then I'd tie it up with a finale that gets people home...
HH: And then if anyone wants to do epilogues we could let the main characters remember what happened.
Hatman: I wouldn't really consider Gary to be main cast; he hasn't done much really
HH: That's fixable.
Hatman: And I'd add Salieri to the main cast that may need a tie-in
Brian: I'd do something with Kat.
HH: Was it Al B. who brought him in? Anyhow, I'll find an important place for him and Sam somewhere in the story.
Hatman: Isn't Salieri Shrike's creation?
HH: In fact I've had a scene planned for them all along.
killer_shrike: Al did. I just made him the Amadeus Cho knockoff, which the character 's digressed from
Hatman: Ah, okay
Visionary: Amadeus Cho?
HH: I have no idea who Amadeus Cho is, so I may be responsible.
Hatman: 7th smartest person on Marvel Earth. Recently introduced character during World War Hulk I think
killer_shrike: He's the kid who figured out that it was the heroes who shot Hulk into space
killer_shrike: And I think figured out a way to bring him back
Hatman: Anyway, I gotta go; Sarah needs the computer. If any major plot points I should know of come about, can someone e-mail me?
HH: Ah. So the Hulk's in space.
Hatman: Later!
HH: Good night, Jay and Sarah.
*** Hatman has left.
killer_shrike: Bye
Visionary: Facebook waits for no man.
HH: Okay, I'll try and get something together this weekend. I'm ploughing though Untold Tales #325 right now.
HH: Or, as it may become known, untold Tales #325 and 326.
Brian: I thought Salieri seemed familiar
HH: I'd like to use the bulk of Shrike's cutting room floor story to get Link, Sigmund, and Search Engineer back to the PV too.
HH: I can get Doorman back via another route.
HH: The main problem - and it's not insurmountable - is that I mentioned that two alternate reality versions of the same character can;t coexist in the same dimension for long.
HH: That kind of sets up a problem for the Librarian.
Brian: Why?
Brian: Lee has at least a few doubles out there currently.
HH: Because Search Engineer is an evil alternate reality Lee Bookman.
Brian: So, why not a an evil version?
killer_shrike: He is?
HH: I pinched a bit from the Avengers/Gatherers story that seems to have inspired some of this stuff and mentioned that two different versions of the same character from different universes couldn’t survive for long in the same one.
killer_shrike: Well, if Hatman and Doorman can exist in the same reality, which is Jay's plan, I don't see the problem
HH: SE doesn't have to be. It’s one reason I was okay about pushing him into another body when Jason killed him off.
Brian: I knew SE was an evil Lee & the body thing was also an interesting idea, too.
HH: I wouldn't have mentioned the Bookman connection if I'd known Shrike was planning to keep SE around.
Brian: I don't see a problem with the Bookman connection.
Brian: It might get me to actually do a Bookman story
HH: That's a plus.
Brian: & when was the last time that happened?
HH: 1871.
Brian: Ah yes. Such a nice year.
HH: Okay, I've got a copy of the comments folks have made. Anything else we need to cover on the Moderator saga?
Visionary: Hmmmm....
Brian: I don't know. What hasn't been covered?
killer_shrike: I can't think of anything
HH: Hatty was keen to see more of Ham-Boy's story.
Visionary: I'm not coming up with anything.
Brian: I'm not sure there anything more to Cadet Harris' story.
HH: Okay then, I'll try and jot something down tomorrow and post it Sunday.
Visionary: Nifty and much appreciated.
HH: Are people okay with me putting the text of this chat up to this point on the PVB as a footnote?
HH: Or as a posting?
Visionary: I suppose.
killer_shrike: That's fine
Brian: Ok.
HH: Then that's the end of the official business. How are folks?

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Posted with Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 on Windows XP

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