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Post By
Al B. Harper

Member Since: Mon Jan 04, 2016
Posts: 485
Subj: The Visionary appreciation thread.
Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 at 07:24:34 pm EST (Viewed 682 times)

The recent UT's got me looking though back issues, and then the Who's Who, and all of that. In doing so I not only enjoyed revisiting stories of old, I also came across some great art by poster Visionary in the process.

I thought it was high time for a thread of appreciation of the possibly fake man's contribution over the years. I don't know about you but think it's all excellent! Here's a selection of my favourites.

The EEE! crew:

Let's start with Kinki...just because.

Remember when Al B. mutated a spider called Babs? (1)

Ms. Muffy Framlicker

Amy Aston

Remember when Al B. turned Hallie blue? (2)

Lair Legion Line Up!



Citizen Z!


Silicone Sally!

Yuki Shiro!



(Okay okay Alcheman was never in the LL, bit he fits the style art-wise so I'm putting him here)

Liu Xi Xian!


Tandi the sex-bot come administrator! Robosapien lives matter!

Remember when everybody(3.1) went to the Mythlands? (3)

Mythlands Visionary. Still possibly fake.

Ruby Weaver

George Gedney - we hardly knew ya!

You're not in Parodiopolis anymore Asil.

Con Jonstantine! Note the Brownie by his feet? Some say he's still mimicking Con in the Mythlands to this day.

Mythlands Dancer is the best Dancer!


Mythlands Tanner! Let's be honest, I'll take any Tanner.

Hallie (I'm not looking Hallie, no honest, well okay maybe a little).

Even Fleabot!

Mythlands Miiri or regular Miiri?

Who doesn't love Miiri?

Remember when poster Hatman made some action cards from Visionary art? Wish I had the original for this pic of Yuki!

A detonator hippo, just because.

Velcro Vixen. You may continue.

Is he not...The Hooded Hood?

Thanks Visionary, for all of it and more.

Got more Visonary art to share? Post it here.

Al B.

1. It happened. Not sure where, but it happened.
2. See #1 above.
3. UT #274. You're welcome.
3.1 everybody didn't go to the Mythlands, just a select few.

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