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Member Since: Sat Jan 03, 2004
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Yes, since nobody is posting anything, it's time for the traditional cleaning out of my hard drive of story snippets left unfinished long past their relevancy.

This one comes features Vizh's and Hallie's adventures in the Mythlands in the quest to retrieve Naari (aka Magweed). It follows various chapters of Untold Tales, as well as the posted story where Vizh has a conversation with Dancer (complete with tutu and strap-on fairy wings) in a dream thanks to a feather supplied by Quoth. I believe I scrapped this work in progress because the mood was quite subdued and the narrative wasn't really leading anywhere... it was mostly all recap. Plus it wasn't funny at all. But there's a sweetness to it that's kind of... well, sweet, I guess.

In the end, I started over and we got the "Hallie as a centaur" story instead. I don't *think* this ever got folded into another story, but it might have, or it might have been posted in a previous cleaning of the hard drive. If so, I apologize for the repost.

And remember... it doesn't go anywhere. It'll just end abruptly. But hey, it's free...

“Why don’t you get some sleep…” Visionary suggested as he came up on the nodding woman, curled up against a tree trunk. “I’ll take over the watch.”

She blinked to rouse herself with some embarrassment. “Oh! I was just… um… sorry.”

He smiled wearily as he eased down to the ground next to her. “Don’t be. It’s been a long… week? Month?” he scratched his head. “I have very little idea of how long we’ve been in Faerie any more. I try to keep track… to count the days Naari’s been gone, but…”

“Time keeps slipping away from you” she surmised. “Fleabot thinks it’s in the nature of the land… His theory is that it’s such a primeval place of story that time here is relative to the significance of the narrative. Large passages of unimportant story drift by quickly, while key moments linger and are stretched out. Plays havoc on our mundane perceptions.”

Visionary nodded. “Fleabot’s a clever one.”

“Mmmm” Hallie answered noncommittally. “For real entertainment, ask him how this might relate to the way the Shoggoth perceives time. He popped a spring just thinking about it.” She glanced over at him. “So… any luck with Quoth’s feather?”

The Regular sighed. “No. I’m beginning to think I imagined that meeting with Dancer altogether.” He had been placing the black raven quill under his head every night he had slept in the mythlands, but he had been unable to reconnect in dream with his adoptive sister back in Parodiopolis. “It’s better than thinking about the alternatives.”

She laid a hand on his arm. “I’m sure they’re fine… Maybe you both have to be sleeping at the same time for it to work? That right there would narrow the odds of a connection…”

“She’s supposed to be good at working the odds” Visionary pointed out.

Hallie sighed and rested her head on his shoulder. “I’m afraid she probably has more pressing matters demanding her powers.” She stared out into the darkened woods as they listened to the crickets. “I’m sure they’re all fine” she repeated, more to herself this time. “They’ll be waiting for us when we come back.”

Visionary fished into one of the pouches on his belt, careful not to jostle the emerald-topped head that rested so comfortingly on his shoulder or disturb the jade skinned arm that draped warmly across his chest. He withdrew a bundle of wrapped cloth, and unwound it to produce a shard of glass mirror. Hallie watched as he held it this way and that, until it suddenly caught a bright green light, bouncing it back into the woods and illuminating a path through the trees.

“No matter where you go in reality, no matter how far away, or how much may stand between you and it, these shards are part of the Lighthouse and will always reflect back the light of the tower” Quoth had explained the night they had all left for Faerie. “Home is never too far away… Don’t you go forgetting that.”

Hallie reached her hand into the beam, catching the light in her palm. “Hello you” she said to it fondly.

The effect was subtle enough (and Visionary tired enough,) that he didn’t notice it immediately. Nor was it something his mind would normally register as odd. But as the woods grew slightly brighter around him, he blinked in surprise. “Hallie… are you glowing?”

The former AI looked down at her legs through heavy eyelids to see that she did indeed cast a slight green glow onto the bed of autumn leaves beneath her. “Huh” she noted sleepily. She waved her hand back out of then into the mirror light, and the glow to her skin faded and returned. “That’s pretty neat” she noted as she rolled towards him, wrapping an arm about his sweatshirt covered chest to use as a pillow.

“I guess it knows its own” Visionary suggested to the sleepy woman. The lighthouse was lit with one of Hallie’s own holograms after all… It was, in essence, a part of her that shone back at them through the glass.

She sighed. “I… miss glowing” she admitted hesitantly. “I hate needing to sleep, and to eat. I hate smelling like… like a human that hasn’t had a decent bath since who knows when…”

“That pool in the river at the foothills of those mountains, remember? The assembled brownies gave you a standing ovation when you emerged.”

She leaned back to look at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Um... so I heard" he hastily added.



Member Since: Sat Jan 03, 2004
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I'm pretty sure I must have cut and pasted most of Mumphrey's lines from somewhere, because I still have no idea what he's saying. It's a shame this one doesn't go anywhere, because it's a classic premise... but at least it's one that other people have covered with their own versions.

“Right…” Sir Mumphrey stated, looking over the assembled Legion and Juniors and guests on the warm, sunny fields of the Lair island. “It’s really quite simple… The fielding team disperses around the field. One fielder is the bowler. He takes the ball and stands some distance behind one of the wickets. Another fielder is the wicket-keeper… He squats behind the opposite wicket. One batsman stands behind each popping crease. The batsman farthest from the bowler is the striker, the other is the non-striker. The striker stands before his wicket, on or near the popping crease, in the batting stance. The non-striker simply stands behind the other popping crease, waiting to run if necessary. The bowler takes a run-up from behind the non-striker's wicket and when he reaches the non-striker's popping crease he bowls the ball towards the striker. The striker may then attempt to hit the ball with his bat. If he misses it, the wicket-keeper will catch it and the ball is completed. If he hits it, the two batsmen may score runs. The ball is considered to be in play from the moment the bowler begins his run-up until it is dead. When one bowler has completed six balls, that constitutes an over. A different member of the fielding team is given the ball and bowls the next over - from the opposite end of the pitch. The batsmen do not change ends, so the roles of striker and non-striker swap after each over. Any member of the fielding team may bowl, so long as no bowler delivers two consecutive overs. Once a bowler begins an over, he must complete it, unless injured or suspended during the over. Clear as day so far, right? Now, another possibility during a ball is that a batsman may get out. There are ten different methods of being out…”

“Er…” Visionary interrupted. “What was that middle part again?”

“So…” Hatman noted casually. “Softball?”

“Softball” Epitome agreed.


“We’ll take Donar” Hatman chose. “He comes with his own bat.”

“Fine… Dancer” Epitome countered. “Hello, batting averages.”

Later still…

“Fleabot” Hatman said. “Good luck finding the strike zone.”

“Knifey” Epitome decided.

“Aw, c’mon!” Visionary complained. “Knifey doesn’t even have any arms!”

“Never underestimate the importance of infield chatter” the sentient blade suggested.

“I knew it… I’m gonna be picked last…” Visionary grumbled. “It’s gym class all over again… only without any towering 5th graders to steal my lunch money.”

Anime Jason 


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It just doesn't advance a plot in any way shape or form. These kinds of moments are fine as bits between actual plot, but there's no actual *story* there, just a recap of story that's already been told. I probably saved it for possible inclusion in another tale, but never found an appropriate place to use it. It would have been out-of-place padding in the stories that did get written, so it remained on the lists of edits.


needs to work on the next Abandoned Legion

Member Since: Thu Jan 01, 1970
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thought this was fun

Member Since: Thu Jan 01, 1970
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Al B. Harper

Posted with Mozilla Firefox 3.6.3 on Windows XP

I have no idea what this document is. It's called "the Moderator."

Maybe it's just my unfinished notes of who turned up in the Moderator Saga (some of them sure look familar), maybe it's random chat-room talk jotted down. Maybe it's not even my document (some of them sure look like other people's ideas...some of them are other people's ideas!).

Anyway, I give you, the Moderator .doc as it is on my hard drive:


The Moderator

DoorMan (Hatman)
Functionary (Visionary)

Content Filter, who censored dissent in the news media, and LOL INTERNET, who produced mind-numbing, distracting entertainment.

brap a three foot tall, talking, bipedal pig

Link The young woman in the green pastel bodysuit domino mask Cath Katz G’EYED

Sigmund the Superlative Simulacrum Using his ham-sized hands to twist the knobs on his chest, he wrote /Which plan?/ onto his flat, featureless face.

Search Engineer smell of soot and sulphur as the man with the soiled overalls and conductor's cap sauntered into view. He carried a rusted brakeman's switch in one gloved hand and a lantern in the other BOOKMAN

Scarlet Lawnmower s he moved his uncontrollable power generated whirling psychic blades around him. NATS

New Zealand’s greatest superheroes the Fawikiotero Five


AL B. Harper

Posted with Mozilla Firefox 3.6.3 on Windows XP

Not much to go on here. Gotta love the title though. Who knows where it was going...:

Hatman and the chair of infinite possibilities.

The zero street mission. Every year about this time it is open almost 24 hours as a dedicated staff of volunteers arrange seasonal hampers for the poor. There are a few amongst the staff who have become regular features. The tall man with slick black hair – a touch of grey at his temples, dressed head to toe in black save for the white strip at his collar is instantly recognisable as the Reverend Mac Fleetwood.

Al B. Harper

Posted with Mozilla Firefox 3.6.3 on Windows XP

I must have been having a particularly bad day when I wrote this (in 2007!) Who knows what was planned next:


Fucking hell I hate my life.

What the fuck do I have to show for it? Oh sure, the pay is good, and I get to travel to exotic locations…but aside from that…nothing.

I’m a poor sad lonely individual…actually I’m not even an individual since I just follow the crowd.

I’ve either pissed off all my friends so they are now my enemies, or.,

I live through online personas interacting with fuckwits I despise and deplore who I’d never associate with in real life.

Fuck, I can’t even write this shit it’s so pathetic. God, I need a change. I need a real change in life. Somewhere new, a new beginning where no one knows my name.

Fuck now I have that song in my head. I hate that fucking song.

A new life…I don’t care really what it is…but maybe Parodiopolis might be nice. Yeah, Parodopolis. Fuck you employers…Fuck you fuckwits. Look out Parodiopolis – angry young man is coming to hit you where it hurts and take no hostages.

Heh, that’ll fuck em!


Al B. Harper

Posted with Mozilla Firefox 3.6.3 on Windows XP

Last one. This one may have actually been posted. I think it was (or was intended to be) part of the Al B./Killer Shrike tag-team cross-over story that we did. If it was posted I can't find it in the archives (but none of my links for that story are working either so I can't be 100% sure and I don't seem to have saved any of it to the hard drive sadly). Anyway, it was fun to read it again just now even if it had been posted. I remember for a fact the villain's name came up in a chat in the chat room!

On relfection I hope this was actually my work and not someone elses?:


Amy Aston, now dressed in her customary overalls again, clutched her spanner to her chest as she opened the main roller-door to the Six-ways Firehouse that served as the HQ for Extraordinary Endeavour Enterprises.

“Alright you monkeys! I know you’re out there. You may as well show yourselves. I have a spanner and I’m not afraid to use it,” she shouted into the blackness of the night before her, waving the spanner around for good measure.

Gibbering and screeching, the group of cyber-monkey-pirate-ninjas that were hiding in the street outside the firehouse blended out of the shadows, waved their cutlasses high in the air, then tapped them against their cyber-tails, in an eerie metallic resonance that raised goose-flesh on the nape of Amy’s neck.

She looked a little unsteady as they swarmed into the light to surround her, their grimacing faces revealing aluminium incisors glistening with rank saliva. Not too close, but close enough to invade her personal space, they jumped up and down and the shrieking reached a high crescendo. Amy could feel the warmth of their breaths on her skin, smell the foul stench – these monkeys obviously ate more than bananas by the smell of it, and didn’t floss either.

“Do you like my pretty pretties?” A smarmy voice asked, the gibbering stopped immediately, and the monkeys were still. Amy looked out from the throng that almost engulfed her, and saw the smarmy voice belonged to an unkempt looking man with mangy black hair, crooked teeth, tattered clothing and a pallid yellow complexion. His skin was also rather blotchy in spots. Not someone you’d want to shake hands with. “There’s more where they came from I assure you.”

“No,” she replied, “I don’t like your pretties, in fact, I find them down right ugly!” she regarded the man, “and you’re even creepier than Michael Jackson, so I’ll only say this once, Al B. and the others are expected back at any moment,” she lied, “so you’d better call these little devils off, and state your purpose here.”

“Oh must I indeed Miss Aston?” the creepy man asked “Yes, I know who you are, and that you are alone here. For that is why I have come. With such rewarding bounties out for the EEE!, your solitude made you such an easy target that I, Triskelion, could not resist being the first to capture one of you.”

“You know, you’re just living up to the CrazySugarFreak’s ‘stereotypical lame super-villain’ type by telling me all that,” Amy smirked, “and for thinking I’m alone here.” She suddenly dropped to the floor, as Fleabot rapidly expanded his size as he jumped off his hiding place on her shoulder and took out all the shocked cyber-monkey-pirate-ninjas with ease (they weren’t trained to deal with rapidly growing fleas).

Triskelion himself was also taken aback by Fleabot’s sudden appearance, and before he could compose himself, Amy had whacked him over the head with her spanner, knocking him out cold.
“OK, let’s get these goons into storage,” Fleabot suggested, “and make our way to Mangatown quick smart.”

“Shouldn’t we warn Al B.?” Amy asked.

“What, and ruin his big date with Miss Framlicker? Nah, far better to deal with this ourselves.”

Amy knew she would probably regret it, but went along with Fleabot anyway…

To be continued…

Al B. Harper

Posted with Mozilla Firefox 3.6.3 on Windows XP

Al B. Harper

Posted with Mozilla Firefox 3.6.3 on Windows XP

Poor Visionary!

And I've never heard it referred to as a 'popping crease'. Just 'crease'. So Zod only knows where you got that from!



Member Since: Sat Jan 03, 2004
Posts: 2,131

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    And I've never heard it referred to as a 'popping crease'. Just 'crease'. So Zod only knows where you got that from!

I just did a search for "popping crease" online and got some 50,000+ results, so it's not completely out of use, apparently.

"The odd name of the popping crease refers to the early history of the game of cricket, in that batsmen used to have to 'pop' their bats into a small hole that was located in the middle of the crease for a run to count. For a player to run a batsman out he had to pop the ball into the hole before the bat was grounded in it."

--From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crease_%28cricket%29

So regardless of where the original write-up came from, it sounds like "popping crease" is a term that someone like Sir Mumphrey is more likely to use.



Member Since: Sat Jan 03, 2004
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I actually have a page of notes kind of like this as well, although mine are definitely for a story I never got around to writing about Zebulon as an agent of the Faire Queen in the mythlands. There's some really interesting ideas in there, and then there's some stuff that makes no sense to me any longer, as I've forgotten most of what I was thinking at the time I typed it out.

Every now and then I come across a hand-written page of notes like that, and they seriously seem like the ravings of a madman. Totally disconnected lines, plot ideas, and punchlines without the set-up having been written down. "Zebulon-- "That's why I never trusted ducks!" That kind of thing.

Sometimes I worry myself.



Member Since: Sat Jan 03, 2004
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I found this bit tacked on under the story that actually got posted, where Hallie went and interviewed with the Dean in order to get into art school. Apparently, I had originally intended her to take my own track into the profession, which included applying sans portfolio and taking the basic art classes as electives, then transferring to the school of art based on the work produced in class rather than an outside portfolio.

I also recognize the professors...

There was a knock at the door, and three figures appeared in the doorway. One was a grey haired woman with what could only be described as a proud Roman nose and a tight mouth on the edge of a perpetual scowl. The second was a towering African American man with a smiling, pitted face. The third was a tall blonde man with handsome features and a casual stance. None of them looked as if they belonged alongside the other two.

“Ah, come in…” the Dean called to them. “Ms. Graham, I’d like you to meet Professors Castlinaggi, Hamilton and Duncan. Ms. Graham here would like to become an artist.”

“Really? Then what’s she doing here?” Prof. Duncan inquired good naturedly as he turned to regard her. “And did she choose to draw the pirate or the cartoon dog for her art test?”

“Quiet, you.” Dean Ensor warned.

“Gotcha. She might have money. Don’t make her wise up and go somewhere reputable.”

“Thank you so much for your help, gentlemen” the Dean replied dryly. “Actually, our admittance standards pose something of a problem for Ms. Graham here. She’s looking to enroll in the School of Art, but unfortunately has no portfolio to submit.”

“With the ink-bottle hair and the pale make-up, she’s certainly wearing the right camouflage to hide out in the halls for the rest of the semester" Prof. Castlinaggi snorted. “Although she’s certainly the first Goth freshmen we’ve ever had wearing Prada.”

Hallie’s hand went uncertainly to her face with the comments on her self-applied makeup and the interview suit courtesy of Samantha Bonnington.

“What, we have a dress code now?” Prof. Duncan asked pointedly. “Don’t mind her…” he said, turning his attention back to the uncertain young woman. “She’s been this way ever since that house fell on her sister.”

“Did you need us for anything, Dean Ensor, or were we just called in to listen to Malcolm’s older-than-dirt jokes?” the older woman asked.

“So you’re saying you heard them back when they were original then.”

“Yes, that will do” the Dean said with a sigh. “In any event, Ms. Graham here will need instructor approval to take your beginning drawing class, Mary, as well as figure and anatomy and basic design."



Member Since: Sat Jan 03, 2004
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This one doesn't even have a title (the file is just labeled "Hallie talk"), but it seems like it would have been interesting...

“So…” Visionary began casually as the two of them walked under the moonlight shining down on Lair Island. “…you and Epitome, eh?”

“What?” Hallie responded, unruffled. “No “it’s a lovely evening”, or "how have things been going? Aren't we supposed to awkwardly dance around the subject for a bit?"



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I'm not sure if I've read it before or not. Either way, if it turns out there's more existing somewhere, I say post it as if it were a new story. Recycling is good for the environment, and if you get free responses and praise, so be it. ;\-\)



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Member Since: Sat Jan 03, 2004
Posts: 2,131

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Al B. Harper

Posted with Mozilla Firefox 3.6.3 on Windows XP

Al B. Harper

Posted with Mozilla Firefox 3.6.3 on Windows XP

Al B. Harper cries on the inside.

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Al B. Harper in truth enjoys meeting you all in real life and wishes he could meet more of you!

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Al B. Harper

Posted with Mozilla Firefox 3.6.3 on Windows XP

Al B. Harper

Posted with Mozilla Firefox 3.6.3 on Windows XP

>"Zebulon-- "That's why I never trusted ducks!" That kind of thing.

> Sometimes I worry myself.

That is kina worrying, yet at the same time it must now appear in a story! It just must!

And I would like to see more of Zebulon as the Farie Queen's agent too.

Get to it!

Al B.

Al B. Harper

Posted with Mozilla Firefox 3.6.3 on Windows XP



Member Since: Sat Jan 03, 2004
Posts: 2,131

Posted with Apple iPad 531.21.10

The University's School of Art professors were all fairly interesting. Part of it was no doubt due to spending a lot of time with them in much smaller classes. (I could barely see my Organic Chemistry professor from my seat in the huge lecture hall with hundreds of other students, and I don't think he ever dropped by the lab while I was there, leaving that kind of thing to the TA's. Conversely, each art class lasted 3 hours a day, multiple days a week, and usually had under 20 students each.)

The basic drawing professor was a stern fellow (rather than a woman, in Hallie's case) who had a great deal of contempt for a great many subjects. He was definitely a High Art minded fellow. Conversely, one of my favorite lecturers at the school was a guy who stressed that pretty much everything was art these days, that unless you get completely away from society you can't help but be surrounded by design for art's sake.

I found it odd that they all tried to recruit for their own mediums... I had a drawing teacher, a painting teacher and a sculpting teacher all assure me separately that their medium was the only "true" art. Drawing was what you did before you actually went about creating the real piece, for instance. Or painting is just imagining things, while sculpture is actually making them exist. Beyond that, they would just try to steer you towards more specific arts. I had one professor ask me if I had considered printmaking as a career. I had not.

So at one point I was going to turn some semi-autobiographical stuff into Hallie in school stories, but I think I quickly realized that it was all stuff like the Vizh/Hallie mythlands scenes in that it made nice stuff to flesh out a story, but it wasn't actually enough in itself to *be* a story... and without a real story idea, I never got around to using any of it.



Member Since: Sat Jan 03, 2004
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...just as Brap was one of my characters, and I think the Content Filler and LOL Internet came from CSFB!, so I think much of the list was just making note of new characters for that story in order to keep them straight. I don't recall the New Zealand team off the top of my head, however it was quite the sprawling story.


    >"Zebulon-- "That's why I never trusted ducks!" That kind of thing.

    > Sometimes I worry myself.

    That is kina worrying, yet at the same time it must now appear in a story! It just must!

What's sad is that, at the time, I must have thought I had a set-up for that kind of punch line that would make it truly hilarious if I felt the need to jot it down. My mind often runs much further ahead in the story than I can type, and occasionally I'll break from where I'm at it jot down a line or two of dialog that I want to insert later. A lot of my stories have these extra lines below the part that got posted where I never got around to inserting the setups for them.


    And I would like to see more of Zebulon as the Farie Queen's agent too.

    Get to it!

While not all of the notes made sense, I did refrain from posting them here because I really do like the ideas in them. The file name for the notes was "Gertrude's Folly", so maybe that story will still show up some day.

Al B.



Member Since: Sat Jan 03, 2004
Posts: 2,131

Posted with Apple iPad 531.21.10

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